Mr Ryan’s P7 class will work on the following topics with P7 in Hart Memorial PS.
Theme: Fairness, prejudice, discrimination and stereotype.
Dates for CRED lessons:
Monday 16th September : St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
- Develop an understanding of fairness and human rights.
- Recognise similarities and differences between their lifestyle and the lifestyles of others in the local and wider community.
Thursday 19th September Location : St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
- Develop an understanding of the terms ageism, stereotype, prejudice and discrimination.
- Recognise how individuals or groups can be treated differently because of an aspect of their identity.Develop an understanding of how stereotypes and prejudices are often inaccurate.
Monday 23rd September: St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
- Develop an understanding of the terms ageism, stereotype, prejudice and discrimination.
- Recognise similarities and differences between each other’s identity, e.g. age, culture, race, religion, sporting interests, abilities and work.
Thursday 3rd October: St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
- Recognise and learn about the symbols representing their own and the culture of others within Northern Ireland.
- Recognise similarities and differences between each other’s identity, e.g. age, culture, race, religion, sporting interests, abilities and work.
Monday 7th October: YMCA 9.30-11.30
- To create shared identity and cultural art pieces.
- Recognise similarities and differences between each other’s identity, e.g. age, culture, race, religion, sporting interests, abilities and work.
Dates for Shared Problem Solving lessons:
Thursday 5th December: St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
Monday 9th December: St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40
Thursday 12th December: St John The Baptist College 1.15-2.40