Home Page

P5 Pandas

Welcome to  Mrs Mc Ardle's

Primary 5 Pandas 


2023 and 2024


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.


Mr Mc Ardle  on


Ms Mulholland on 








Primary 5 Pandas

Learning for October



  • 3 and 4 times-tables.
  • Recognising and using simple fractions.
  • Find equivalent fractions.
  • Find fractions of an amount.
  • Add coins and notes up to £5.00.
  • Subtract using a number line and by counting forwards.
  • Investigate properties of 3D shapes using faces, edges and vertices.
  • Investigate nets of 3D shapes.
  • Learn about horizontal and vertical symmetry.
  • Investigate perimeter of shapes.




  • Practise verbal and written 5-sentence stories.
  • Continue to develop grammar, punctuation and comprehension skills using Lexia.
  • Use common homophones.
  • Use regular and irregular verbs.
  • Use poetry to investigate rhyme.
  • Develop comprehension skills using appropriate inferential texts.
  • Learn how to add detail to a sentence using the 5Ws.
  • Plan a newspaper report on the discovery of Tutankhamun.
  • Write instructions for mummification.
  • Develop the ability to edit written work and make improvements.




WAU - Ancient Egypt

  • Design Ancient Egyptian face masks.
  • Learn about Howard Carter and the discovery of Tutankhamun.
  • Plan and write instructions for the process of mummification.
  • Practise mummification song.
  • Use iPad app Book Creator to make mummification instructions.







October Celebrations

October Learning Journey

October Creative Learning


































































































Welcome to

Mrs Thompson and Mr Mc Ardles's

Primary 5 Pandas

2022 and 2023


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.

Contact  Mr Mc Ardle on

Mrs Thompson on


Ms Mulholland on 

NOVEMBER 2022 Healthy Kidz Afterschools at Presentation PS Term 1 Block 2 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! CLUBS BEGIN 8/11/22

RISE Parent Website. LOTS of excellent resources for parents:

2022 and 2023

Learning for April 



Literacy Learning


  • Use apostrophes. 
  • Use commas.
  • Use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.
  • Use pronouns to avoid repetition.
  • Develop comprehension skills.
  • Develop vocabulary by writing sentences and short stories.
  • Use conjunctions, verbs and adjectives to enhance sentences. 




Numeracy Learning


  • Solve a range of multiplication and division problems using both written and mental methods, selecting the operation required.

  • Add and subtract using regrouping.
  • Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • Learn times tables.
  • Revise near doubles.
  • Tell the time using 1-minute intervals.
  • Understand both analogue and digital time.


WAU - Water 

  • Learn all about the water cycle.
  • Learn ways to conserve water. 
  • Learn how some countries have a lack of water and the affects this has on them I.e. Link to Water Aid GL



  • Monets Water lillies. 
  • Children will design a poster to show how to be more water wise.
















Shared Education - Visit 3

Still image for this video

Shared Education Visit 2

Still image for this video

Shared Education Visit 1

Still image for this video

P5 Pandas Santa Run

Santa run


Keeping our streets tidy

Being grateful

Working in the garden

Egyptian Art

Term 1 in P5 Pandas

Look what our fantastic teachers did 🏆🏆🏆🏆







2020 and 2021

December 4th

November 20th

Prefect and Star!!

Road Safety week

November celebrations


Dear parents/ Queridos pais/ Drodzy Rodzice

If you have 2 or more children, you will have to log off and then log in on the Seesaw app. Each child has a separate code for the seesaw app. Please keep the codes you have been given for each child safe so you can sign in and out for each child.

This is only the case if you have 2 or more children on Seesaw using the same device.

We are sorry for any inconvenience but each child has a separate account for Seesaw as they have different classes. If you would like another copy of the code please do not hesitate to contact me on or your teachers email address is on their webpage.

Se tem um ou mais filhos, tem que sair de uma conta Seesaw para poder entrar em outra. Cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo para a sua conta Seesaw. Por favor, guarde os codigos que foram atribuidos aos seus filhos cuidadosamente para poder fazer o login e o logout sempre que necessário.

Este caso aplica-se apenas a quem tem mais que um filho a usar o mesmo dispositivo electronico para a Seesaw.

Pedimos desculpas pela incoveniencia mas cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo de usuário pois estao em classes diferentes. Se necessita de uma outra copia do codigo, nao hesite em pedir-me atraves do email ou atraves do email do professor que está disponivel na nossa página online.

Jesli masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci, musisz sie calkowicie wylogowac, a nastepnie ponownie  zalogowac w aplikacji Seesaw. Kazde dziecko otrzymalo indywidualny  kod do app . Seesaw. Zachowaj kody, ktore otrzymales osobno dla kazdego z dzieci, abys mogl indywidualnie  zalogowac  i wylogowac  kazde z  dziecko  z osobna.

Informacja ta dotyczy rodzicow w  przypadku, gdy masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci  w szkole korzystajacych z app.Seesaw z tego samego urządzenia.

Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodnosci, ale  kazde dziecko ma oddzielne konto na app. Seesaw, poniewaz uczeszczaja do innej klasy. Jesli chcesz otrzymac kolejna kopie kodu, nie wahaj sie skontaktowac ze mna pod adresem lub adres e-mail Twojego nauczyciela ktory znajduje sie na  stronie internetowej szkoly.

Kind regards/ Com os melhores comprimentos/ Z powazaniem

Ms Mulholland





November Learning




Children will:




Discuss emotions felt by characters throughout a story. Give reasons to support views.




  • Write poems based on personal or imagined experience. Link to Electricity topic.
  • Learn that poems are organised into verses.
  • Plan an electrical poem and make some improvements to work when prompted.
  • Learn about poetic devices – similes, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration and rhyming pairs.


Instructional texts


  • Know that the intended outcome is given at the beginning.
  • List materials or ingredients.
  • Use sequential stages.
  • Language of commands e.g. imperative verbs.
  • Write clear instructions.
  • Use organisational devices such as sub-headings and numbering.


Word Work


  • Identify verbs in sentences; collect verbs with synonymous meanings.  


  • Understand the concept of verb tense (future).


  • Know and understand the term ‘homophone’ - same sound different spelling, e.g.  to/two/too; they’re/their/there.


  • Know and understand the term ‘homograph’ - same spelling different meaning, e.g. lead/lead.
  • Use 3rd and 4th place letters to locate and sequence words in alphabetical order.




  • Identify, segment and blend syllables in words orally, in reading and in writing.
  • Know and understand that a sound can be represented by more than one letter (the number of sounds and letters in a word may not always correspond).



Children will learn:



•        To solve a range of addition and subtraction problems, using both written and mental calculations using the operation required.

•        To understand the 3, 4 and 6 multiplication facts as repeated addition and as arrays.

•        To derive corresponding division facts, using understanding of inverse relationship.

  • Use the correct notation of money using pound sign with decimal point and matching amount in pence.

Mental maths (weeks 1-4)


•        Read/write simple fraction notation

•        Count forwards and backwards in halves

•        Find doubles of multiples of 10 up to 100 and corresponding halves.

•        Find doubles of multiples of 100 up to 500 and corresponding   halves.

•        Find doubles of multiples of 5 up to double 95



Handling Data

•        To interpret pie charts using halves, quarters, thirds and fifths to work out proportions and quantities of a total.




•        To understand concept of perimeter. 


Revise o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past on the analogue clock. Link to digital time. 


Shape and Space 

•    To understand that co-ordinates can be used to identify a point rather than a whole square.

  •  To use analogue and digital clocks to tell the time to 5 minutes.
  • To estimate, measure and record weights using g and kg






This month Primary 5 will start their exciting new topic - Electricity.



  • Make a list of do’s and don’ts around electricity.


  • Design their own poster on electrical safety.


  • Learn about electrical uses.


  • Learn about batteries and circuits.


  • Learn to make a working circuit.

Star of the Week

Our new Councillors

Doodle Winners 9th October


October Learning




Children will:


Talking and Listening:


  • Offer reasons and evidence for their views


  • Act out headlines in drama situations



Text Level Work  


  • Understand the different organisational features and purposes of a range of non-fiction texts, e.g. structure, vocabulary, style, lay-out
  • Identify features of non-fiction texts in print and ICT, e.g. headings, lists, bullet points, captions which support the reader in gaining information efficiently
  • Understand and use the terms ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’ and begin to distinguish the two in reading and other media
  • Know and understand what a recount is as a non-fiction genre
  • Understand that newspapers are a form and identify the main features including: lay-out, range of information, level of formality, organisation of articles, advertisements and headlines
  • Predict newspaper stories from the evidence of headlines, checking against the original


  • WAU (Extended Writing) – Ancient Egyptians. Write newspaper recounts e.g. about Tutankhamun’s discovery.




Sentence Level Work  

  • Identify and investigate the use of paragraphs; reinforce the notion of the “main idea” and the key words


  • Composing headlines


  • Editing stories to fit a particular space


  • Organising writing into paragraphs


  • Understand the function of adverbs in sentences through:


  • identifying common adverbs with ‘ly’ suffix and discussing their impact on the meaning of sentences


  • collecting and classifying examples of adverbs, e.g. for speed: swiftly, rapidly, sluggishly; light: brilliantly, dimly


  • investigating the effects of substituting adverbs in clauses or sentences, e.g. They left the house …ly



Word Level Work (Weeks 1-4 )


  • Locate and sequence words using alphabetical order.
  • Identify, segment and blend syllables in words orally, in reading and in writing.
  • Know and understand that a sound can be represented by more than one letter (the number of sounds and letters in a word may not always correspond)
  • Use independent spelling strategies.



ICT led activities:


Explore C2K Newsdesk.

Type up Newspaper Reports and upload to C2K Newsdesk.


ICT task: Children will research Egyptian the pharaoh Tutankhamun on I pads and make a fact file on one using Keynote on the IPAD





Children will,



Mental Maths


  • Add 3 single digit numbers, subtract any number from 20 & know all remaining subtraction facts within 20
  • +/- 2-digit numbers within 100, add 2-digit multiples of 10 to a 2- digit number.
  • Find halves of even numbers within 20
  • Find quarters of even numbers within 20
  • Add two 3-digit multiples of 10 without bridging 100
  • Subtract a 2-digit multiple of 10 from a 3-digit multiple of 10
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10 / 100






  • Practice adding/subtracting 10/multiple of 10 within 9,999 (G1, 999 (G2), 100 (G3) Rounding numbers up to 1000; to the nearest 10, 100, 1000
  • Rounding numbers up to 1000; to the nearest 10, 100,
  • Rounding numbers up to 100; to the nearest 10 (G3)
  • Use the correct notation of money.
  • Learn how to change pence to pounds and vice versa
  • Know 5x, 10x, 3x and 4x tables and corresponding patterns
  • Recognise halves and quarters of numbers




Shape and Space



  • Sort, name, recognise and describe 2D shapes using number and length of sides, number of corners, number of right-angles
  • Can recognise lines/ number of lines of symmetry, stating whether they are regular or irregular shapes
  • Explore nets of 3D shapes.
  • Recognise and use the mathematical name for 3D shapes and describe the properties.
  • Know how to recognise line symmetry in patterns and shapes
  • Know how to create symmetrical patterns on 2cm squared paper
  • Be able to recognise clockwise and anti- clockwise turns
  • Be able to use co-ordinates.





  • Make Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics using scroll paper.
  • Research the pharaoh Tutankhamun on iPads and make a fact file using Keynote.
  • Plan, write and word process a Newspaper Report about the discovery of Tutankhamun.
  • Mummify an apple.
  • Design a model of an Egyptian pyramid.



Our New Prefect Elijus 2.10.20

Star of the week Piotr

Doodle weekly Champs!! 2.10.20

Stars of the week


Induction video

Still image for this video

Great to have these talented bunch back in school!!


The Ni Executive has confirmed if you travel back from Portugal AFTER 4 am on Saturday 22/8/20 you do NOT have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Parents are reminded if their children have returned from Portugal BEFORE 22/8/20 they MUST still keep isolating for 14  days from the date of their return. We TRUST ALL parents will follow this advice and send their children back to school on the correct date if they are isolating currently. We are caring for the safety of our whole school community and ask parents to follow the this updated advice.

kindest regards

Ms Mulholland

O executivo do Norte da Irelanda confirmou que se viajar de volta ao UK DEPOIS das 4 da manhã de sábado, dia 22/08/20, de Portugal NÃO precisará ficar em quarentena por 2 semanas.  Os pais são avisados se os seus filhos regressaram de Portugal ANTES de 22/08/20, DEVEM continuar a isolar-se durante 14 dias a partir da data do regresso.  Confiamos que TODOS os pais seguirão este conselho e enviarão os seus filhos de volta à escola na data correta, caso ainda estejam a cumprir isolamento.  Estamos a zelar pela segurança de toda a nossa comunidade escolar e pedimos aos pais que sigam esta orientação atualizada.  
Ms Mulholland 