Home Page

P7 Zebras

Welcome to  Mr Fox's

Primary 7 Zebras  


2023 and 2024


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.


Mr Fox on


Ms Mulholland on 

Confirmation 13/4/24

P7 Zebras


Shared Education

Parent Teacher Meetings October 23




Spy Stories

Recount stories

Newspaper reports








Subtracting - decompositions

Multiplaction- 3 & 4 digits x 1 digit

Division without remainders

Handling data- collecting information/tally tables and bar charts

Angles- acute, obtuse and right angles

Measure- lengths cm and mm with decimal



Wonders of the World





Word of the Month-Empathy

Language of the month- Irish



Welcome to Mr Fox’s 

Primary 6 Zebras  

2022 and 2023


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.

Contact  Mr Fox


Ms Mulholland on 

Advice for P6 Parents regarding Transfer to Secondary schools.

NOVEMBER 2022 Healthy Kidz Afterschools at Presentation PS Term 1 Block 2 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! CLUBS BEGIN 8/11/22

RISE Parent Website. LOTS of excellent resources for parents:

December in P6 Zebras!!


We are all very excited as we know christmas is just around the corner!  However, we are so busy in P6 Zebras. 

We have lots of exciting activities to take part in especially our school play which we are practicing very hard for.  It is very funny and of course all parents are invited to come along and watch on Thursday 22nd December at 9:30am.


We have just completed our Shared Education lessons with Hart Memorial.  They were a great success with all of the children demonstrating great behaviour and learning together.


We also have our Christmas card competition and Christmas poster to complete in the coming weeks.

We hope you all have a ver Merry Christmas!!


In our WAU we have been learning all about our bodies and how amazing they are.

In Literacy we have been looking Christmas stories and poems.


Shared Education

Santa Run


2021 and 2022

The Fantastic Primary 6 Zebras

February learning


Mental Maths

  • Multiply any 2 or 3 digit whole number by a multiple of 10 eg 37x30
  • Mentally add two 3 digit multiples of 10, without bridging the hundred.
  • Find the difference between two 3 digit numbers which are close.




  • Multiply 1 or 2 dp numbers by a single digit.
  • Divide 1 or 2 dp numbers by a single digit.
  • Multiply any whole number by 100 within 99999, using concept that digits move 2 places to the left , as the value of each digit becomes 100 times larger.
  • Divide any whole number by 100 within 99999, using concept that digits move 2 places to the right , as the value of each digit becomes 100 times smaller.
  • Multiply/divide  any number, including 1 or 2 dp, by 10/100.
  • Multiply any 2 or 3 digit whole number by a multiple of 10 (eg. 37x30)




  • Identify an unknown 3D shape, given information regarding its properties: number and relative lengths of edges, number and shape of faces and   number of vertices.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Reflect shapes and designs about two lines of symmetry: horizontal and vertical.
  • Visualise the 3D shape which would result from particular nets.
  • Understand and use 8 points of compass to calculate direction and amount of turn.
  • Understand that half a right angle is 45o .
  • Program Beebot and LOGO turtle using degrees to define the amount of turn.
  • Convert between all metric units of length, involving up to 1 d.p.
  • Estimate and measure volume of cubes and cuboids by filling with cubes.







•          Read and evaluate letters, intended to inform, protest, complain, persuade, considering

(i)        how they are set out, and

(ii)       how language is used

Read other examples to compare writing which informs and persuades, considering for example the deliberate use of ambiguity, half-truth, bias; how opinion can be disguised to seem like fact.


Information Text

•          Evaluate texts critically by comparing how different sources treat the same information.

•          Begin to look for signposts that indicate the reliability of a factual source.

•          Locate information in a text in print or on screen confidently and efficiently through using contents, indexes, sections, headings +IT equivalent; skimming to gain overall sense of text; scanning to locate specific information; close reading to aid understanding.


•          Through reading, identify the language , grammar, organisational and stylistic  features  of balanced written discussions which:

–         summarise different sides of an argument

–         clarify the strengths and weaknesses of different positions

–         signal personal opinion clearly

–         draw reasoned conclusions based on available evidence



Grammar and punctuation


  • Apostrophes in contractions and possession.



  • Research the country where your favourite Fairtrade product comes from.
  • Gain an understanding of where Fairtrade products come from (G)



  • To begin to understand the complexities of the food chain. To consider how we are connected to others locally and globally (G)
  • How changes in industry can affect people both locally and globally (G)
  • That the journey of a product can affect the environment both locally and globally (G);
  • To develop an understanding of how buying fair trade products helps people across the world (G)
  • To develop understanding of what it is life is like in other countries (G)


December Week 1 Celebrations - Prefect, Star of the Week, Lexia and Doodle Maths

November Celebrations - Stars of the Week

November Celebrations - Class Prefects

November Awards - Lexia

November Awards - Doodle Winners

Look what our fantastic teachers did 🏆🏆🏆🏆

September Week 1 Elections - The P.6 Zebras School Council, Eco Council and Sustrans Council members were chosen

Week 1 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Prefect, Doodle Winners and Lexia Superstars












P3 Zebras 2020 and 2021 

⭐️ Our class ⭐️

⭐️ Star Of The Week ⭐️

Top Doodler Award 🥇🤩. ⭐️Congratulations ⭐️


April  Learning...


Pupils will be able to:

Fiction/Non-fiction: Traditional stories/ poems/stories and information texts 

Talking and Listening: (Weeks 1)

  • Listen to and share ideas and experiences with others in class
    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 2)
  • read, memorise and recite poems
    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 3)
  • work collaboratively in a group, e.g. allocate tasks, consider alternatives and reach agreement
    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 4)
  • listen to talk or story by an adult, remember some specific points 
  • recount main points in own words
  • present parts of traditional stories, own stories or work from different areas of the curriculum for a range of audiences
    Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction Weeks 1)
  • understand the concept of story types by examining events, settings, characters and language used
  • write character profiles, e.g. simple descriptions, posters, passports, using key words and phrases that describe or are spoken by characters in the text



Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction Weeks 2)

  • know to expect patterns of rhythm, rhyme and other features of sound in poems
  •  know when the reading aloud of a poem makes sense and is effective
  • know the terms ‘poet’, ‘poem’, ‘verse’, ‘rhyme’ and ‘rhythm’ and use when discussing favourite poets and poems
  • use structures from poems as a basis for writing, by extending or substituting elements, inventing own lines, verses; make class collections, illustrate with captions
    Text Level Work (Genre: Non-Fiction Weeks 3)
  • know the term ‘explanation’ and have experience of flow charts and cyclical diagrams that explain a process, e.g. life-cycle of a frog
  • produce simple flow charts or diagrams that explain a process

Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction/ Non-Fiction Weeks 4)

  • have a sense of audience through reading aloud own stories/ poems



Sentence Level Work (Weeks 1-2)

  • investigate and recognise a range of other ways of presenting texts, e.g. speech bubbles, enlarged, bold or italicised print, captions, headings and sub-headings


Sentence Level Work (Weeks 3)

  • use verb tenses with accuracy in speaking and writing, e.g. catch/caught, see/saw, go/went


Sentence Level Work (Weeks 4)

  • use commas to separate items in a list


Word Level Work (Weeks 1-2)

  • identify and categorize the most common representations of the same sound, e.g. boat, no, tow, note
  • spell new words using phonics and a range of self-checking strategies


Word Level Work (Weeks 3)

  • use word endings, e.g. ‘s’ (plural), ‘ed’ (past tense), ‘ing’ (present tense) to support their reading and writing
    Word Level Work (Weeks 4)
  • investigate and use words associated with time, e.g. soon, before, as, when

Pupils will be able to:


Understand concepts of odd and even numbers through use of practical materials practical materials.

Recognise odd and even numbers.

Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical addition TU (no carrying).

Develop a standard written method for vertical addition TU (no carrying), estimating the answer before calculating.

Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange).

Develop a standard written method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange), estimating the answer before calculating.

Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

Count forwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Count backwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Handling Data (weeks 1 and 3)

Record results of sorting on given blank Tree, Venn and Carroll Diagrams using own drawings. Explain what their drawing represents. Suggest own ways of sorting, and label diagrams accordingly.

Measure (weeks 1)

Appreciate the conservation of length through practical investigations.

Appreciate the need for a standard unit of length.

Shape and Space (weeks 2 and 4)

Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 2D shapes.

Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 3D shapes




World Around Us


  • Healthy Me


Children will learn:

  • How living things [ourselves, food produce) grow and change


  • how goods and services (food production, availability of exotic food from faraway lands) in the local area have changed


  • That human activity can create waste in a variety of ways [food wrapping, pollution from transportation of food] (Geography)
  • About the goods that are imported or exported from other countries.



Anti bullying week 16-20th November

Bright and Light day

⭐️Road safety week⭐️

Still image for this video

Road safety week. The children designed their own outfits to help stay safe in the dark 🤩

ICT - P3 are researching people who work in our school 🤩 this week the children chose Frankie. The pupils have drawn on the iPads a picture of Frankie, typed a sentence about him and recorded themselves reading that sentence 🤩👏

Doodle Maths and Doodle English Awards

P3 Introduction

Still image for this video


Dear parents/ Queridos pais/ Drodzy Rodzice

If you have 2 or more children, you will have to log off and then log in on the Seesaw app. Each child has a separate code for the seesaw app. Please keep the codes you have been given for each child safe so you can sign in and out for each child.

This is only the case if you have 2 or more children on Seesaw using the same device.

We are sorry for any inconvenience but each child has a separate account for Seesaw as they have different classes. If you would like another copy of the code please do not hesitate to contact me on or your teachers email address is on their webpage.

Se tem um ou mais filhos, tem que sair de uma conta Seesaw para poder entrar em outra. Cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo para a sua conta Seesaw. Por favor, guarde os codigos que foram atribuidos aos seus filhos cuidadosamente para poder fazer o login e o logout sempre que necessário.

Este caso aplica-se apenas a quem tem mais que um filho a usar o mesmo dispositivo electronico para a Seesaw.

Pedimos desculpas pela incoveniencia mas cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo de usuário pois estao em classes diferentes. Se necessita de uma outra copia do codigo, nao hesite em pedir-me atraves do email ou atraves do email do professor que está disponivel na nossa página online.

Jesli masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci, musisz sie calkowicie wylogowac, a nastepnie ponownie  zalogowac w aplikacji Seesaw. Kazde dziecko otrzymalo indywidualny  kod do app . Seesaw. Zachowaj kody, ktore otrzymales osobno dla kazdego z dzieci, abys mogl indywidualnie  zalogowac  i wylogowac  kazde z  dziecko  z osobna.

Informacja ta dotyczy rodzicow w  przypadku, gdy masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci  w szkole korzystajacych z app.Seesaw z tego samego urządzenia.

Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodnosci, ale  kazde dziecko ma oddzielne konto na app. Seesaw, poniewaz uczeszczaja do innej klasy. Jesli chcesz otrzymac kolejna kopie kodu, nie wahaj sie skontaktowac ze mna pod adresem lub adres e-mail Twojego nauczyciela ktory znajduje sie na  stronie internetowej szkoly.

Kind regards/ Com os melhores comprimentos/ Z powazaniem

Ms Mulholland






The Ni Executive has confirmed if you travel back from Portugal AFTER 4 am on Saturday 22/8/20 you do NOT have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Parents are reminded if their children have returned from Portugal BEFORE 22/8/20 they MUST still keep isolating for 14  days from the date of their return. We TRUST ALL parents will follow this advice and send their children back to school on the correct date if they are isolating currently. We are caring for the safety of our whole school community and ask parents to follow the this updated advice.

kindest regards

Ms Mulholland

O executivo do Norte da Irelanda confirmou que se viajar de volta ao UK DEPOIS das 4 da manhã de sábado, dia 22/08/20, de Portugal NÃO precisará ficar em quarentena por 2 semanas.  Os pais são avisados se os seus filhos regressaram de Portugal ANTES de 22/08/20, DEVEM continuar a isolar-se durante 14 dias a partir da data do regresso.  Confiamos que TODOS os pais seguirão este conselho e enviarão os seus filhos de volta à escola na data correta, caso ainda estejam a cumprir isolamento.  Estamos a zelar pela segurança de toda a nossa comunidade escolar e pedimos aos pais que sigam esta orientação atualizada.  
Ms Mulholland 