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P3 Hedgehogs

Welcome to  Mrs Thompson's

Primary 3 Little Hedgehogs 


2023 and 2024


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.


Mrs Thompson on


Ms Mulholland on

March planning

In Literacy

Children will …

  • IFiction/Non-fiction: Traditional stories/ Easter poems/stories and information texts 

    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 1)

  • Listen to and share ideas and experiences with others in class
  • read, memorise and recite poems
  • work collaboratively in a group, e.g. allocate tasks, consider alternatives and reach agreement
  • listen to talk or story by an adult, remember some specific points 
  • recount main points in own words
  • present parts of traditional stories, own stories or work from different areas of the curriculum for a range of audiences
  • understand the concept of story types by examining events, settings, characters and language used
  • write character profiles, e.g. simple descriptions, posters, passports, using key words and phrases that describe or are spoken by characters in the te
  • know to expect patterns of rhythm, rhyme and other features of sound in poems
  •  know when the reading aloud of a poem makes sense and is effective
  • know the terms ‘poet’, ‘poem’, ‘verse’, ‘rhyme’ and ‘rhythm’ and use when discussing favourite poets and poems
  • use structures from poems as a basis for writing, by extending or substituting elements, inventing own lines, verses; make class collections, illustrate with caption
  • know the term ‘explanation’ and have experience of flow charts and cyclical diagrams that explain a process, e.g. life-cycle of a frog
  • produce simple flow charts or diagrams that explain a process
  • have a sense of audience through reading aloud own stories/ poems
  • investigate and recognise a range of other ways of presenting texts, e.g. speech bubbles, enlarged, bold or italicised print, captions, headings and sub-headings
  • use verb tenses with accuracy in speaking and writing, e.g. catch/caught, see/saw, go/went
  • use commas to separate items in a list
  • identify and categorize the most common representations of the same sound, e.g. boat, no, tow, note
  • spell new words using phonics and a range of self-checking strategies
  • use word endings, e.g. ‘s’ (plural), ‘ed’ (past tense), ‘ing’ (present tense) to support their reading and writing
  • investigate and use words associated with time, e.g. soon, before, as, when


In Numeracy

Children will…


  • Understand concepts of odd and even numbers through use of practical materials practical materials.
  • Recognise odd and even numbers.
  • Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical addition TU (no carrying).
  • Develop a standard written method for vertical addition TU (no carrying), estimating the answer before calculating.
  • Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange).
  • Develop a standard written method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange), estimating the answer before calculating.

Mental Maths 

  • Count forwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).
  • Count backwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Handling Data 

  • Record results of sorting on given blank Tree, Venn and Carroll Diagrams using own drawings. Explain what their drawing represents. Suggest own ways of sorting, and label diagrams accordingly.



  • Appreciate the conservation of length through practical investigations.
  • Appreciate the need for a standard unit of length.


Shape and Space

  • Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 2D shapes.
  • Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 3D shapes.


In World Around Us

Children will…



Healthy choices

Children will learn:

  • How living things [ourselves, food produce) grow and change
  • how goods and services (food production, availability of exotic food from faraway lands) in the local area have changed
  • That human activity can create waste in a variety of ways [food wrapping, pollution from transportation of food] (Geography)
  • About the good that are imported or exported from other countries.
  • explore and talk about how food is produced here and abroad
  • learn what a plant needs to grow
  • learn the main stages of a plant lifecycle
  • identify foods we eat for energy
  • how we grow, move and keep our bodies healthy through exercise
  • how we use our senses when we choose our diet
  • The basic need of plants and animals for survival. (s&T)
  • recognise the need to eat fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle
  • learn that we need 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day
  • recognise and name a range of different fruit and vegetables available to us
  • explore different coloured fruit and vegetables
  • discuss sources of food in our locality
  • Know the dental care routines
  • Know how their teeth help them to eat/chew and speak properly
  • Recognise shapes of teeth
  • Know how many baby and permanent teeth we grow
  • Observe and discuss tooth decay
  • Explore people who are important to us and they job they do (dentist) (I)

Welcome to Miss Campbell's

Primary 3 Little Hedgehogs

2022 and 2023


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.

Contact  Miss Campbell on


Ms Mulholland on 

NOVEMBER 2022 Healthy Kidz Afterschools at Presentation PS Term 1 Block 2 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! CLUBS BEGIN 8/11/22

RISE Parent Website. LOTS of excellent resources for parents:

2022 and 2023

In May we are learning to:



  • understand how  humour  is created in poetry by discussing words and phrases that create humour and sound effects, e.g. nonsense poems, tongue-twisters, riddles
  • understand the importance of good planning for writing
  • use humorous verse as a structure to write their own , e.g. riddles, language puzzles, jokes, nonsense sentences, tongue-twisters or alliterative sentences
  • know books written  by  significant authors/illustrators
  • know how to find out more about authors /illustrators, e.g. from book covers, blurbs, internet
  • begin to understand similarities and differences in style by  comparing books by same and different author(s)
  • write simple evaluations of books read and discussed giving reasons for views expressed, using a structure or writing frame as appropriate
  • demonstrate understanding of concept of nouns by:
  • identifying nouns in shared and guided reading
  • collecting and classifying examples of nouns from reading and own knowledge
  • experiment with changing nouns in sentences and discussing their impact on meaning
  • use the term ‘noun’ appropriately
  • identify and categorize the most common representations of the same sound, e.g. boat, no, tow, note
  • know and understand that the same spelling may be  represented by  more than one sound , e.g. cow, blow
  • use word endings, e.g. ‘s’ (plural), ‘ed’ (past tense), ‘ing’ (present tense) to support their reading and writing





Mentally add a multiple of 10 to a multiple of 10, answers within 50, using and explaining number patterns Mentally add a multiple of 10 to any number, answers within 50, using and explaining number patterns.

Know near doubles, answers within 10.

Know remaining addition facts within 10 (3+5, 5+3,  3+6, 6+3)

Mentally subtract a multiple of 10 from any number, answers within 50, using and explaining number patterns.

From 3 given numbers within 10, give 2 addition and 2 subtraction facts

Discuss ways of managing money effectively: e.g. keeping money safe, how to make pocket money last, advantages of saving a regular amount of money each week etc.

Understand concept of multiplication as repeated addition of equal sets (initially with sets of 2).

Count forwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Count backwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Count forwards in fives within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 5).

Count backwards in fives within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 5).

Record results of sorting on given blank Tree, Venn and Carroll Diagrams using own drawings. Explain what their drawing represents. Suggest own ways of sorting, and label diagrams accordingly Appreciate the conservation of capacity through practical investigations.

Appreciate the need for a standard unit of capacity.

Program Beebot to move along straight line and through right-angled turns, e.g. through a simple maze. Initially enter commands one at a time, then entering a whole procedure of commands before pressing “go”. (ABL)

Investigating symmetry in our immediate environment and making symmetrical patterns



World Around Us


  • Know the charactistics of a minibeast.
  • Be able to name some local minbeasts
  • Know the specific areas in which to find the different minibeasts.
  • Sort minibeasts according to their characteristics.
  • Identify equipment & methods most suitable for finding & collecting minibeasts from the local area
  • Explore features of local habitats & predict minibeasts that may be found in each.
  • Identify & plot locations of habitats on a map of the local environment.
  • Draw plans & maps at a range of scales.
  • Describe & explain how & why places are similar to & different from other places.
  • Use first-hand experience and simple information sources to answer questions.
  • Know that animals, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their sense and reproduce.
  • Relate life processes to animals and plants found in the local environment.
  • Use scientific language to communicate ideas and to name and describe living things, materials, phenomena and processes.
    • Know simple animal food chains.
    • Know that most food chains begin with a producer and have consumers.
    • Know that minibeasts and other animals can be herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
    • Make food chains using pictures and arrows

Prefect and Star of the Week

Lexia Superstars and Top Doodlers

Star of the Week

Prefect & Star of the Week

Doodle Maths & Lexia Champions

In December we are learning:



Children will;

Focus- Christmas play/nativity


  • Share a wide range of books with parents/cares.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Explore features in written language, for example, the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, capital letters and full stops.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, for example, using picture cues, contextual cues, sound cues.
  • Be able to talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Know how to handle and care for books correctly.
  • Develop concepts of print: understand the differences between print and picture, be able to track text, make one-to-one correspondence.
  • Follow pictorial instructions.
  • Be aware of features in written language capital letters and full stops.
  • Understand that sounds are represented by letters.
  • Show some awareness of the sounds at the beginning, middle, end of a word.


  • Talk about why people need or chose to write.
  • Talk about different forms of writing in context, for example, recipes, stories and lists.
  • Understand that writing is a means of communication, for example, writing messages for others to read.
  • Understand that writing is formed directionally, one word at a time, for example, left to right or in a list.


  • Improve physical writing skills in order to develop balance, co-ordination and space awareness.
  • Develop manipulative skills in order to be able to handle writing materials, for example, finger exercises, action rhymes, threading beads, drawing and painting and using scissors. 
  • Experiment with mark-making to share ideas.
  • Be able to distinguish between drawing and writing.
  • Use a comfortable and efficient pencil grip with some control.
  • Begin to form letters correctly.

Talking & Listening

  • Be able to listen to others and respond, demonstrating some social conventions
  • Listening with increased attentiveness for longer periods of time.
  • Ba able to listen attentively to a range of stimuli.
  • be able to listen and carry out instructions
  • be able to talk about personal experiences
  • Show some awareness of the structure of words by recognising syllables and sounds within words.
  • begin to plan and talk about what they are doing.
  • Present dramatisations to a range of audiences.


Linguistic Phonics (Weeks 1-4)

Demonstrate knowledge of grapheme/phoneme correspondences

G1/2 ll, ss, cvc

Gr3 – vowel sounds, IEP words

Weekly Spelling and dictation check up


ICT led activities:

Children will spend time learning to log in on the computer.

Explore- investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools

Express-create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.

Evaluate- talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome, and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability




Pupils will be able to:



Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

  • Count backwards in 1’s from different starting points within 20.
  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20


Number (weeks 1-4)

  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20.
  • Find missing numbers in a sequence of consecutive numbers, within 20.
  • Partition sets into subsets, within 20.
  • Combine two sets to find a total, within 20.
  • Combine more than two sets to find a total, within 20.
  • Add two numbers, practically within 10.
  • Mentally add 1 to any number, answers within 10, then 20.


  • Use more refined mathematical language when comparing objects for weight: e.g. a little bit heavier (lighter) than, a lot heavier (lighter) than.
  • Understand and use analogue time: o’clock only.
  • Understand and use digital time: o’clock only.


Handling Data/Shape and Space

  • Sort 2D and 3D shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting (e.g. by number of sides). Graph activity.




ICT led activities:

Explore- investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools

Express-create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.

Evaluate- talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome, and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability






  • To be aware of some similarities and difference between themselves and other children.




  • To recognise things around us that move
  • Some of the ways in which things are made to move
  • Awareness that they move things by pushing or pulling them 
  • Awareness of what makes everyday thigs work


  • About other localities that are different from theirs (toys)



















  • How they can chance the materials they play with
  • About some of the chances about familiar things over time.











  • Talk about their favourite/special toy.
  • Draw a picture and write a sentences about their favourite/special toy.
  • Talk toys past and present.
  • Compare similarities and differences between old/new toys.
  • Talk about the characters in the story.
  • Hot seat characters and talk about their thoughts and feelings.











  • Toys shop – identifying coins, giving total amounts, giving change within 20p. 
  • Using 2D/3D shapes to design and construct a toy.
  • Sorting types of toys. E.g. toys that move, toys that roll, stationary toys.
  • use different size toys to discuss terms for measure. Eg. big, small, tall short etc.






  • Design a toy on the IWB.
  • Write a sentences about your toy using IWB.
  • Use Book Creator app to design and label a toy.





  • Observational drawings of their own special toy.
  • Design and label a toy
  • Use recycled materials to construct a toy.
  • Use photos of toys to create an abstract picture.























Star of The Week

Doodle Maths & Lexia Winners

Star of The Week & Prefect

Doodle Maths Winners & Lexia Champions

Star of the week - 15th November

Lexia & Doodle Maths winners

Star of the week and Prefect - P2 Little Hedgehogs 🦔

In November we are Learning:




Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

  • Count backwards in 1’s from different starting points within 20.
  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20


Number (weeks 1-4)

  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20.
  • Find missing numbers in a sequence of consecutive numbers, within 20.
  • Partition sets into subsets, within 20.
  • Combine two sets to find a total, within 20.
  • Combine more than two sets to find a total, within 20.
  • Add two numbers, practically within 10.
  • Mentally add 1 to any number, answers within 10, then 20.


  • Use more refined mathematical language when comparing objects for weight: e.g. a little bit heavier (lighter) than, a lot heavier (lighter) than.
  • Understand and use analogue time: o’clock only.
  • Understand and use digital time: o’clock only.


Handling Data/Shape and Space

  • Sort 2D and 3D shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting (e.g. by number of sides). Graph activity.



Focus- poetry and non-fiction


  • Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts read to them by adults/other children.
  • Use pictures and text to make prediction,
  • Justify prediction using picture and text.
  • Give reasons for your predictions.
  • Read a variety of texts, stories, list, information books
  • Understand and use some language associated with books, for example cover, spine, author, illustrator.
  • Recognise different types of text – fiction and non-fiction.
  • Know how to make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events or characters.
  • Learn about rhyme by extending patterns, inventing patterns and playing with rhymes.
  • Understand the elements of story through role play using dolls or puppets.



  • Use a wide range of reading experiences in the construction of a variety of written texts e.g. using personal experience, making simple picture books, creating rhymes.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing.
  • Choose independently what to write about, plan and follow it through.
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary.
  • Show evidence in structure if sentences.
  • Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings
  • Talk about what they want to write.
  • Use increased knowledge of sound-symbol correspondence, analogy or word accessing to write in a way that other understand.
  • Begin to talk about the most appropriate form for a specific purpose.
  • Begin to use capital letters for the pronoun ‘I’ for names and for the start of a sentence.
  • Show increased control over formation of upper-case and lower-case spacing.
  • Write captions for their own work.
  • Use a comfortable and efficient pencil grip.
  • Write with spaces between words.

Sentence level

  • Write captions and simple sentences and to re-read recognising whether or not they make sense.
  • Recognise full stops and capital letters when reading and name them correctly.
  • Begin using the term ‘sentence’ when identifying sentences in a text.

Word level

  • recognise and generate rhymes and relate this to spelling patterns through; exploring and playing with rhyming patterns and generating rhyming strings e.g. fat, hat pat.

Talking & Listening

  • Recite poems and rhymes with some variety in pace, emphasis and annotation.
  • Listening with increased attentiveness for longer periods of time.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to rhymes poems and songs.
  • be able to listen and carry out instructions
  • be able to talk about personal experiences
  • Show some awareness of the structure of words by recognising syllables and sounds within words.
  • begin to plan and talk about what they are doing.
  • Present dramatisations to a range of audiences.



Linguistic Phonics (Weeks 1-4)

Demonstrate knowledge of grapheme/phoneme correspondences

G1/2 vcc/cvcc – and, went, help, jump

Gr3 – vowel sounds, IEP words

Star of the week & Prefect - Week beginning 25th October

Doodle Maths Certificate Winners

Lexia Super Stars

Doodle Maths & Lexia certificate winners

Prefect & Star of the Week

Star of the Week - 4th October

In October we are learning:




Children will;

Focus- poetry and non-fiction


  • Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts read to them by adults/other children.
  • Use pictures and text to make prediction,
  • Justify prediction using picture and text.
  • Give reasons for your predictions.
  • Read a variety of texts, stories, list, information books
  • Understand and use some language associated with books, for example cover, spine, author, illustrator.
  • Recognise different types of text – fiction and non-fiction.
  • Know how to make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events or characters.
  • Learn about rhyme by extending patterns, inventing patterns and playing with rhymes.



  • Use a wide range of reading experiences in the construction of a variety of written texts e.g. using personal experience, making simple picture books, creating rhymes.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing.
  • Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings
  • Talk about what they want to write.
  • Use increased knowledge of sound-symbol correspondence, analogy or word accessing to write in a way that other understand.
  • Begin to talk about the most appropriate form for a specific purpose.
  • Begin to use capital letters for the pronoun ‘I’ for names and for the start of a sentence.
  • Show increased control over formation of upper-case and lower-case spacing.
  • Write captions for their own work.
  • Use a comfortable and efficient pencil grip.
  • Write with spaces between words.

Sentence level

  • Write captions and simple sentences and to re-read recognising whether or not they make sense.
  • Recognise full stops and capital letters when reading and name them correctly.
  • Begin using the term ‘sentence’ when identifying sentences in a text.

Word level

  • recognise and generate rhymes and relate this to spelling patterns through; exploring and playing with rhyming patterns and generating rhyming strings e.g. fat, hat pat.

Talking & Listening

  • Recite poems and rhymes with some variety in pace, emphasis and annotation.
  • Listening with increased attentiveness for longer periods of time.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to rhymes poems and songs.
  • be able to listen and carry out instructions
  • be able to talk about personal experiences
  • Show some awareness of the structure of words by recognising syllables and sounds within words.
  • begin to plan and talk about what they are doing.
  • Present dramatisations to a range of audiences.



Linguistic Phonics (Weeks 1-4)

Demonstrate knowledge of grapheme/phoneme correspondences

dhgkb revision (Weeks 1&2)

jevxlwyz (weeks 3+4)


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up


ICT led activities:

Children will spend time learning to log in on the computer. They will design names for an ICT display using painter.


Explore- investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools

Express-create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.

Evaluate- talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome, and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability






Pupils will be able to:


Number (weeks 1-4)

  • Count backwards in 1’s from different starting points within 20.
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 20.
  • Read numerals within 20
  • Write numerals within 20. Touch count sets of objects within 20.
  • Make a variety of sets for a given number within 20.
  • Match numerals to sets within 20.
  • Order sets of up to 20 objects.

Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

  • Count forwards in 1s to 20
  • Adding 1 within 10
  • Count forwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Adding 1 within 20
  • Number before, after, between within 20



  • Make and describe models, patterns and pictures using a variety of materials.



Handling Data/Shape and Space

  • Sort 2D and 3D shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting (e.g. by number of sides).
  • Continue simple patterns




ICT led activities:

Use the IWB to create a picture of their house with shapes.


Explore- investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools

Express-create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.

Evaluate- talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome, and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability


Star of the week and Prefect - 28th September 2021

Star of the Week - 20th September 2021

Look what our fantastic teachers did 🏆🏆🏆🏆

This weeks Star & Prefect - 13th September 2021

In September we are learning about Our Place in the World......

Star of the Week - 6th September 2021

In September we are learning:




  • Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts read to them by adults/other children.
  • Use pictures and text to make prediction,
  • Use pictures and text to make prediction about what will happen next
  • Justify prediction using picture and text.
  • Give reasons for your predictions.
  • Read a variety of texts, stories, list, information books
  • Retell stories using picture prompts, oral prompts, memory
  • Understand and use some language associated with books, for example cover, spine, author, illustrator.
  • Recognise different types of text – fiction and non-fiction.



  • see the teacher model specific writing genre, for example, procedure, recount, report, narrative.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing.
  • Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings
  • Talk about what they want to write.
  • Use increased knowledge of sound-symbol correspondence, analogy or word accessing to write in a way that other understand.
  • Begin to talk about the most appropriate form for a specific purpose.
  • Begin to use capital letters for the pronoun ‘I’ for names and for the start of a sentence.
  • Show increased control over formation of upper-case and lower-case spacing.


Talking & Listening

  • Listening with increased attentiveness for longer periods of time.
  • Listen to a wide range of stories, poems, songs, music and writing of other children.
  • be able to listen and carry out instructions
  • be able to talk about personal experiences
  • be able to retell stories in sequence.
  • Show some awareness of the structure of words by recognising syllables and sounds within words.


Linguistic Phonics (Weeks 1-4)

Satpin revision (Weeks 1&2)

Mocfrudhgkb (weeks 3+4)


ICT led activities:

Children will spend time learning to log in on the computer. They will design names for an ICT display using painter.



Number (weeks 1-4)

  • Recognise the numbers from 1-20
  • Add 1 to any number within 10
  • Add two numbers practically within 10
  • Number stories of 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Number bonds to 5)
  • Recognise 1p, 2p and 5p coins
  • Add 1p/2p to amounts within 10p

Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

  • Count forwards in 1s to 20
  • Adding 1 within 10
  • Count forwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Adding 1 within 20
  • Number bonds to 5 and then 10
  • Number before, after, between within 20




Measures (weeks 2, 3)

  • Use more refined language when comparing objects for length e.g. a little bit longer/shorter.
  • Develop an understanding of times in the day which are important to them.


Handling Data/Shape and Space (Week 4)

  • Compare different 2D shapes and say how they are similar/different
  • Use Venn diagrams to sort


ICT led activities:

Pupils create an ‘Eye colour in Primary 2’ pictograph using 2graph app




  • To recognise that they have a personal history.
  • About significant people in the past.
  • That other people share some seasonal and topical significant events.
  • About weather in the different seasons and how it effects different things.





  • That we use light and sound to keep us safe.




  • To be aware of where their home is.
  • To have an awareness of features of the local landscape.
  • To know about the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.
  • Some of the changes to their locality over time.




  • To know how the weather changes through the seasons
  • To know about change all around them (buildings, clothing, food, school environment)
  • How animals and plants are influenced by changes in the weather. 










2020 and 2021 

P2 Little Hedgehogs

Top Doodlers in P2 Hedgehogs

Well done Oliwier, Sebastian and Kenzen for super Lexia work this week. Oliwier completed Level 2 and Sebastian and Kenzen completed Level 1.

Star of the Week - Evaristo & Prefect - Rebeca

Top Doodlers in Maths - 4-12-20


In Literacy

Children will …

  • Interpret a text by reading aloud. With some variety in pace and emphasis.
  • Listen with sustained concentration to other children and adults.
  • Ask and answer different types of question.
  • Act out own and well known stories to deepen understanding character motive and story.
  • Use different voices for characters when reading aloud.
  • experiment with ideas through writing in a variety of situations
  • make simple lists for a range of purposes e.g. recipes, plan, remind and request.
  • Know and understand the terms story/narrative, characters, setting.
  • Understand the difference between spoken and written form through retelling know stories.
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary through their writing.
  • use features of punctuation in order to read in a phrased and fluent manner
  • write, captions and simple sentences and to re-read, recognising whether or not they make sense, e.g. missing words, wrong word order
  • use the grammar of a sentence in conjunction with decoding skills to read new or unfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on, leave a gap and re-read
  • use a capital letter for the personal pronoun ‘l’ and for the start of a sentence
  • recognise full stops and capital letters when reading and name them correctly
  • use full stops to demarcate sentences
  • investigate, read and spell words containing digraphs such as ch, sh, th
  • segmenting sounds and word – hearing ad identifying initial medial and final sounds in words.
  • Hearing and saying sounds in words in the order in which the occur
  • Linking sound to letters, naming and sound the letters of the alphabet.
  • Knowing that letter names are not the same a letter sounds.
  • blending sound to read and write cvc words.


In Numeracy

Children will…

  • Know doubles to 5+5
  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20 through


  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s to 20
  • Adding 1/2 within 20
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Adding 1/2 within 20
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Number before, after, between within 20
  • Counting in 2s within 20 forwards and backwards
  • Count forwards/backwards in 10s from different starting points within 100
  • use everyday language to describe position


In World Around Us

Children will…

  • Be aware of some similarities and differences between themselves and other children.
  • Know about significant people in their past.
  • Know about other localities which are different from theirs.
  • Understand that some of our goods/services come from different places.
  • To recognise and name parts of the body (Teeth)
  • How people grow and change.
  • About some of the changes of familiar things over time.
  • Be aware of what makes everyday things work.
  • Know that we can heat or cool substances to change them



In December we are learning about Charlie & The Chocolate Factory.

Well done Alex, you are the new Star of the week in P2 Hedgehogs!

P2 Hedgehogs - Top Doodlers in Maths this week.

Star of the Week and prefect in P2 Hedgehogs

Top Doodlers In P2 Hedgehogs

This week we have been learning all about Anti-Bullying.

Star of the Week - Well done Claudia

Well done to all the Top Doodlers this week.

Star of the week and Prefect - 9th November 2020

Top Doodlers


In Literacy

Children will …

  • Interpret a text by reading aloud. With some variety in pace and emphasis.
  • Listen with sustained concentration to other children and adults.
  • Ask and answer different types of question.
  • Act out own and well known stories to deepen understanding character motive and story.
  • Use different voices for characters when reading aloud.
  • experiment with ideas through writing in a variety of situations
  • make simple lists for a range of purposes e.g. recipes, plan, remind and request.
  • Know and understand the terms story/narrative, characters, setting.
  • Understand the difference between spoken and written form through retelling know stories.
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary through their writing.
  • use features of punctuation in order to read in a phrased and fluent manner
  • write, captions and simple sentences and to re-read, recognising whether or not they make sense, e.g. missing words, wrong word order
  • use the grammar of a sentence in conjunction with decoding skills to read new or unfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on, leave a gap and re-read
  • use a capital letter for the personal pronoun ‘l’ and for the start of a sentence
  • recognise full stops and capital letters when reading and name them correctly
  • use full stops to demarcate sentences
  • investigate, read and spell words containing digraphs such as ch, sh, th
  • segmenting sounds and word – hearing ad identifying initial medial and final sounds in words.
  • Hearing and saying sounds in words in the order in which the occur
  • Linking sound to letters, naming and sound the letters of the alphabet.
  • Knowing that letter names are not the same a letter sounds.
  • blending sound to read and write cvc words.


In Numeracy

Children will…

  • Know doubles to 5+5
  • Count forwards in 2’s from 0 to 20 through


  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s to 20
  • Adding 1/2 within 20
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Adding 1/2 within 20
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Number before, after, between within 20
  • Counting in 2s within 20 forwards and backwards
  • Count forwards/backwards in 10s from different starting points within 100
  • use everyday language to describe position


In World Around Us

Children will…

  • Be aware of some similarities and differences between themselves and other children.
  • Know about significant people in their past.
  • Know about other localities which are different from theirs.
  • Understand that some of our goods/services come from different places.
  • To recognise and name parts of the body (Teeth)
  • How people grow and change.
  • About some of the changes of familiar things over time.
  • Be aware of what makes everyday things work.
  • Know that we can heat or cool substances to change them



Evaristo is our new Prefect in P2 Little Hedgehogs

Sebastian is our new Star of the Week in P2 Little Hedgehogs

Well done Evaristo, you are the Top Doodler in Maths this week.

Star of the Week - 9th October 2020

Ivana is the Top Doodler in English this week.

Evaristo is the Top Doodler in Maths this week.

Star of the Week - 5th October 2020

Prefect - 5th October 2020

Well done Zeidah and Joshua for being Top Doodler in English this week!

Ivana is the Top Doodle in Maths this week!

We love learning through play!

Star of the Week - Beginning 29th September

Top Doodler in Maths

In September we are learning all about the Jolly Postman.

Prefect - 18th September 2020

Star of the Week - 18th September 2020

Star of the Week - 11th September


Dear parents/ Queridos pais/ Drodzy Rodzice

If you have 2 or more children, you will have to log off and then log in on the Seesaw app. Each child has a separate code for the seesaw app. Please keep the codes you have been given for each child safe so you can sign in and out for each child.

This is only the case if you have 2 or more children on Seesaw using the same device.

We are sorry for any inconvenience but each child has a separate account for Seesaw as they have different classes. If you would like another copy of the code please do not hesitate to contact me on or your teachers email address is on their webpage.

Se tem um ou mais filhos, tem que sair de uma conta Seesaw para poder entrar em outra. Cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo para a sua conta Seesaw. Por favor, guarde os codigos que foram atribuidos aos seus filhos cuidadosamente para poder fazer o login e o logout sempre que necessário.

Este caso aplica-se apenas a quem tem mais que um filho a usar o mesmo dispositivo electronico para a Seesaw.

Pedimos desculpas pela incoveniencia mas cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo de usuário pois estao em classes diferentes. Se necessita de uma outra copia do codigo, nao hesite em pedir-me atraves do email ou atraves do email do professor que está disponivel na nossa página online.

Jesli masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci, musisz sie calkowicie wylogowac, a nastepnie ponownie  zalogowac w aplikacji Seesaw. Kazde dziecko otrzymalo indywidualny  kod do app . Seesaw. Zachowaj kody, ktore otrzymales osobno dla kazdego z dzieci, abys mogl indywidualnie  zalogowac  i wylogowac  kazde z  dziecko  z osobna.

Informacja ta dotyczy rodzicow w  przypadku, gdy masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci  w szkole korzystajacych z app.Seesaw z tego samego urzÄ…dzenia.

Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodnosci, ale  kazde dziecko ma oddzielne konto na app. Seesaw, poniewaz uczeszczaja do innej klasy. Jesli chcesz otrzymac kolejna kopie kodu, nie wahaj sie skontaktowac ze mna pod adresem lub adres e-mail Twojego nauczyciela ktory znajduje sie na  stronie internetowej szkoly.

Kind regards/ Com os melhores comprimentos/ Z powazaniem

Ms Mulholland





Prefect - 4th September

Star of the Week - 4th September

The World Around Us: People Who Help Us

  • Pupils will be able to talk about the times when we should go to see the doctor in the health centre and when its more appropriate to go to the hospital
  • Pupils will be able to name the special equipment a doctor needs for his job. 


  • Pupils will understand the role of the fireman/firewoman and be able to talk about times when we need his/her help.
  • Pupils will know the equipment that the fireman needs to help him carry out his job.
  • Pupils will understand the role of the Dentist and be able to talk about times when we need his/her help.
  • Pupils will know the equipment that the Dentist needs to help him carry out his job.


Mental Health and Well being

  • Settle into new routines
  • Use circle time to explore any anxieties and worries and discuss coping mechanisms
  • Use breathing techniques to explore feelings of calm and security.
  • Use ABL to redevelop friendships and security in our class bubble



  • Use books to find out about things that interest them.
  • Make their own books.
  • write captions for their own work, e.g. for display, in class books
  • write with spaces between words
  • Be able to answer questions and ask questions to find information and give information and seek explanation.
  • Listen to and recall a sequence of instructions.
  • Take part in group oral activities, e.g. circle time.



  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s to 20
  • Adding 1or 2 within 20
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1s from different starting points
  • Order a set of numbers within 20
  • Adding 1or 2 within 20
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Number before, after, between within 20
  • Counting in 2s within 20 with counting stick
  • Subtract practically within 10
  • Use more refined mathematical language when comparing objects for weight e.g. a little bit heavier than/lighter than, a lot heavier than/lighter than.
  • Use more refined mathematical language when comparing containers for capacity e.g. holds a little bit more than/less than, a lot more than/less than 

Parent Welcome

Still image for this video


The Ni Executive has confirmed if you travel back from Portugal AFTER 4 am on Saturday 22/8/20 you do NOT have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Parents are reminded if their children have returned from Portugal BEFORE 22/8/20 they MUST still keep isolating for 14  days from the date of their return. We TRUST ALL parents will follow this advice and send their children back to school on the correct date if they are isolating currently. We are caring for the safety of our whole school community and ask parents to follow the this updated advice.

kindest regards

Ms Mulholland

O executivo do Norte da Irelanda confirmou que se viajar de volta ao UK DEPOIS das 4 da manhã de sábado, dia 22/08/20, de Portugal NÃO precisará ficar em quarentena por 2 semanas.  Os pais são avisados se os seus filhos regressaram de Portugal ANTES de 22/08/20, DEVEM continuar a isolar-se durante 14 dias a partir da data do regresso.  Confiamos que TODOS os pais seguirão este conselho e enviarão os seus filhos de volta à escola na data correta, caso ainda estejam a cumprir isolamento.  Estamos a zelar pela segurança de toda a nossa comunidade escolar e pedimos aos pais que sigam esta orientação atualizada.  
Ms Mulholland 