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P1 Little Foxes

Welcome to  Mrs Metcalfe's

Primary 1 Little Foxes 


2023 and 2024


On this page you will find lots of important information about school and what's been going on in your child's class throughout the year.


Mrs Metcalfe on


Ms Mulholland on 

P1 Little Foxes First Photograph in the Portadown Times September 23

Parent Teacher Interviews in October 23

October Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•       Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•       Listen to and recall a sequence of instructions.

Phonological awareness

•       Respond to a steady beat

•       Discriminate between sounds, e.g loud/ quiet, high/low, odd one out.


Conventions of speech

•       Observe modelled behaviours

•       Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•       Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.


Language and thinking

•       Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•       Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•       Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

•       Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.


Extended Vocabulary

•       Listen and respond to adults and peers.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•       Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.


Shared Reading

•       Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

•       Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.

•       Enjoy a range of computer-generated texts…Interactive books.

•       Recognise their name.

•       Understand and use some language associated with books, e.g cover, spine, author, illustrator.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•       See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•       Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•       Experiment with mark making to share ideas.

•       Be able to distinguish between drawing and writing.

•       Talk about why people need to write.

•       See themselves as ‘writers’, as they experiment with ‘writing’



Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter t. Can they read the word ‘want’?

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter p. Can they read the word ‘to’?

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter i. Can they read the word ‘play’.

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter n. Can they read the word ‘here’.



ICT led activities:


•       access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•       create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•       talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•       manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•       Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•       communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•       Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths(Weeks 1- 4)

  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.
  • Count forwards from 1, within 5.
  • Count forwards from different starting point, within 5.


  • Number (Weeks 1-4)
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 5
  • Read numerals within 5
  • Write numerals 0 and 1
  • See zero as an empty set.
  • Understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • Touch count sets of objects of either zero or one, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.





  • Measures(Week 2)
  • Understand and use language associated with length.




  • Handling Data ( week 2-4)
  • Sort without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting



  • Shape & Space (week 1-4 )
  • Talk about shapes in the environment.


World around Us

  • To recognise the different materials used every day.
  • How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather
  • About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.
  • How the weather changes through the seasons.
  • That other people share some seasonal and topical significant events.





















































































Contact  Mrs Haddock on


Mrs Metcalfe on


Ms Mulholland on 

June Plans

In June we are learning to…



Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the environment.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Recognise that language is used for different purposes, for e.g humour.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.
  • Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Read a variety of texts in different ways, for e.g stories, lists, information books.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.
  • Make their own books.
  • Encounter new words through text experience and begin to use appropriately.


Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.
  • Explain what they have done and give reasons for their choices.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • Use ICT to compose and draw e.g Book Creator.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write
  • Talk about different forms of writing in context, for e.g recipes, stories or lists.


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Can they read ‘don’t’? G1: Can they write the words led, fed, yet

Dictation: I am not fed yet.

Week 2: Can they read ‘jumped’? G1: Can they write the words vet, jet, jot

Dictation: The vet got on a jet to jot.


ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.



Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

Count backwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points within 15.

Count backwards from different starting points within 15.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 15.

Read numerals within 15

Write numerals within 15.


Devise simple repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Subitise (say how many are in a set without touch or counting) within 5

Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting.


Add two numbers practically, within ten, using a range of formal mathematical language.


Mentally add 1, 2 and 0 to a number, answers within ten.


Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 2 items at a time (total within 5), no change.

Discuss choices involving money and shopping: What to buy, spend or save? Cheap or expensive etc

Measures (Week 2 and 4)

























Given one container, find another object which holds more/less, and prove their choice is correct by filling one container and pouring into the other, using comparative language.  

Compare and talk about the area of two surfaces by placing one on top of the other.

Handling Data ( week 3)

Recognise simple directional symbols in the environment.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Talk about possible areas for data collection (Favourite sea creature). Talk about the representation and draw some conclusions e.g. What is the most popular?


World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

That there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

To be aware that there are plants and animals from other parts of the world.

To recognise things around us that move

That living things move in the water.

That we use light to keep us safe.

That some of our goods and services come from other places.

That we can travel to other places, and the means of travel.

How the weather changes through the seasons.

Some of the ways we can change our immediate environment, both positively and negatively.

Some of the changes to their locality over time (River Bann)

In May we are learning to…



Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Goldilocks and the three bears and The
  • Gingerbread Man) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.
  • Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.
  • Make their own books.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.
  • Explain what they have done and give reasons for their choices.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • Use ICT to compose and draw e.g Book Creator.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming all the letters in the alphabet.

Can they read ‘said’? G1: Can they write the words bop, top, help

Dictation: I want to help you bop to the top.

Week 2: Can they read ‘now’? G1: Can they write the words not, net, wet

Dictation: I will not get wet.

Week 3: Can they read ‘stop’? G1: Can they write the words dip, did, lip

Dictation: I did cut my lip.

Week 4: Can they read ‘ran’? G1: Can they write the words zip, zap, lap

Dictation: I have a zip on my lap.

Week 5: Can they read ‘don’t’? G1: Can they write the words led, fed, yet

Dictation: I am not fed yet.



ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.





Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

Count backwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points within 15.

Count backwards from different starting points within 15.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 15.

Read numerals within 15

Write numerals within 15.


Devise simple repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Subitise (say how many are in a set without touch or counting) within 5

Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting.


Add two numbers practically, within ten, using a range of formal mathematical language.


Mentally add 1, 2 and 0 to a number, answers within ten.


Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 2 items at a time (total within 5), no change.

Measures (Week 2 and 4)

Given one object, find another object which holds more/less, and prove their choice is correct by

filling one container and pouring into the other, using comparative language


Handling Data ( week 3)

Devise own simple patterns.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Sort three property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion, then re-sort for a third criterion.























World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

That there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

To be aware that there are plants and animals from other parts of the world.

That they share their world with other living things.

About other localities which are different from theirs.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

That people and places change.

Some of the ways we can change our immediate environment, both positively and negatively.

To recognise things around us that move

Some of the ways in which things are made to move (boats etc)

That living things move in the water.




Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Goldilocks and the three bears and The
  • Gingerbread Man) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.
  • Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.
  • Make their own books.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.
  • Explain what they have done and give reasons for their choices.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • Use ICT to compose and draw e.g Book Creator.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter w.  Can they read ‘help’’? G1: Can they write the words cut, but, Are

Sentence Dictation: I cut my leg.

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter y.

Can they read ‘but’? G1: Can they write the words bat, fat, We

Sentence Dictation: We can see a fat bat.

Week 3 – Easter Holidays

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter z. Can they read ‘said’? G1: Can they write the words fox, box, Yes

Sentence Dictation: Yes, the fox is in the box.




ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.





Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

Count backwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points within 15.

Count backwards from different starting points within 15.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 15.

Read numerals within 15

Write numerals within 15.

Order a set of non-consecutive numbers within 10 (increasing and decreasing)


Touch count sets of objects within 15, understanding that the size of the set is determined by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number eithin 15.


Add two numbers practically, within ten, using a range of formal mathematical language.


Mentally add 1, 2 and 0 to a number, answers within ten.


Recognise 1p, 2p and 5p coins


Measures (Week 2 and 4)


























by direct comparison, using comparative language.

Talk about events in the present, in the past and in the future.

Given one object, find another object which is longer/shorter; taller/ shorter, and prove their choice id correct

Handling Data ( week 3)

Use everyday language to describe familiar 2d and 3d shapes.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Talk about possible areas for data collection and represent the data using objects.





World Around Us


About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

How the weather changes through the seasons.

How people change and grow (Frog lifecycle)

To have an awareness of features of the local landscape.

That they share their world with other living things.

Some of the similarities and differences among plants in their locality.

To be aware of the changing weather in the locality.

That some people and animals move from place to place.






March Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Three Little Pigs/Jack and the Beanstalk) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.


  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter e Can they read ‘will’’? G1: Can they write the words kid, rod, too

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter v

Can they read ‘Are’? G1: Can they write the words hot, hat, big

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter x Can they read ‘We’? G1: Can they write the words mop, map, eat

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter l

Can they read ‘Yes’? G1: Can they write the words mat, cat, will




ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

  • Count backwards from 10 to 1
  • Know the number “after” within 10
  • Know the number “before” within 10
  • Identify missing numbers in a sequence within 10
  • Order a set of consecutive numbers within 10 (increasing and decreasing)
  • Continue simple repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Number (Weeks 1-4)

  • Order sets of up to 10 sets.
  • Understand conservation of numbers within 10.
  • Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting, within 10., saying which one has more and which one has less. How many more/less, identifying two sets that are the same.


  • Use 1p coins in shopping activities. Buy one item at a time. No Change.
  • Use £1 coins in shopping activities – buy one item at a time – no change.

Measures(Week 2)

  • Compare and talk about the weight of two objects.
  • Compare and talk about the capacity of two containers.

Handling Data ( week 3)

  • Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.

Shape & Space (week 1)

  • Sort 2d and 3d shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting.


World Around Us

  • That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.
  • To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.
  • That living things need food and water to keep them alive.
  • About change all around them (buildings, clothing, food, school environment)
  • To be aware where their home is.
  • To recognise some basic features of their home (eg window, door, roof, chimney, bedroom, garden, garage)
  • To have an awareness that different people live in different homes.
  • About their journey to and from school.
  • To have an awareness of features of the local landscape.
  • That sound comes from a variety of sources.
  • That electricity can be dangerous.
  • That we use light and sound to keep us safe.




Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the environment.
  • Listen to and re-call a sequence of instructions.

Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Vet


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Farmer Duck)
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Make their own books. (Factual book on farm animals)
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter k Can they read ‘too’’? G1: Can they write the words yes, hug, hog

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter b Can they read ‘big’? G1: Can they write the words dog, dig, we

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter j Can they read ‘eat’? G1: Can they write the words rug, fit, are


ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths(Weeks 1-3)

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10

Count backwards from 10 to 1

Know the number “after” within 10

Know the number “before” within 10

Identify missing numbers in a sequence within 10

Number (Weeks 1-4)

Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0-10

Match numerals to sets 0-10.

Order sets of up to 10 objects.

Understand conservation of numbers within 10



Recognise 1p and £1 coins.



Measures(Week 2)

Talk about and sequence up to 3 familiar events.


Handling Data ( week 3)

Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Follow instructions for movement along a line.



















World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.

About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That living things need food and water to keep them alive.

That they share their world with other living things.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

To recognise the young of some familiar animals.

How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather (seasons).

Some of the reasons why animals move from place to place.

That living things move on the ground, underground, in the air and in water.


January plans


Learning Intentions

Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•         Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•         Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

•         Listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the environment.

Phonological awareness

•         Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

•         Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

•         Experiment with and enjoy rhyme.

Conventions of speech

•         Observe modelled behaviours

•         Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•         Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Vet


Language and thinking

•         Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•         Re-tell a story. (Dear Zoo)

•         Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•         Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•         Join in with familiar phrases in a story.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.

•Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

•Encounter new words through text experience and begin to use appropriately.

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Begin to explore how to write words.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations

•Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter u. Can they read ‘is’’? G1: Can they write the words tin, an, here

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter d Can they read ‘yes’? G1: Can they write the words can, at, it.

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter h Can they read ‘we’? G1: Can they write the words see, is, as.

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter g

Can they read ‘are’? G1: Can they write the words you, mum, hum



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths (Weeks 1-4)

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10

Count backwards from 5 to 1

Extend range of counts to include 0

Recognise spoken numerals within 10

Read numerals within 10

Write numbers within 10


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Understand that 0 means none.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0-10

Match numerals to sets 0-10.


Recognise 1p and £1 coins.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Compare and talk and talk about the length/height of two objects.

Understand the concept of area as the idea of covering a surface.


Handling Data ( week 2)

Use mapping diagrams to show relationships between members of two sets.

Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Make and describe patterns using a variety of materials.

Continue simple patterns.



World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.

About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That living things need food and water to keep them alive.

That they share their world with other living things.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

To recognise the young of some familiar animals.

How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather (seasons).

Some of the reasons why animals move from place to place.

That living things move on the ground, underground, in the air and in water.

Internet Plans



Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

Phonological awareness

•Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

•Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Conventions of speech

•Observe modelled behaviours

•Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

•Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Postman, firefighter and Policeman


Language and thinking

•Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•Be immersed in the language of books


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.

Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

•Read a variety of texts in different ways, for e.g stories, lists, information. (Various letters in the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman)

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Read or interpret their emergent/experimental writing.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations

•Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter c. Can they read ‘see’? G1: Can they write the words sip, tip and to

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter f Can they read ‘you’? G1: Can they write the words tap, nap, want

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter r Can they read ‘it/It’? G1: Can they write the words nan, tan, play.

Week 4: Three Day week



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


• talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.



Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Understand conservation of number within 5.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.


Partition sets into subsets, within 5.

Combine sets to find a total, within 5.


Use money in the context of play (Post office)

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with time.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Explore body space through different types of movement.


World Around Us

Some of the reasons why people and animals move to other places at different times of the year.

About the jobs people do in our local community

To be aware of where their home is.

About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.

About the jobs people do in our local community

About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.

About the jobs people do in our local community.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.


NOVEMBER 2022 Healthy Kidz Afterschools at Presentation PS Term 1 Block 2 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! CLUBS BEGIN 8/11/22

In November,

We are learning to …


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

Phonological awareness

•Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

•Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Conventions of speech

•Observe modelled behaviours

•Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

•Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Postman, firefighter and Policeman


Language and thinking

•Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•Be immersed in the language of books


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.


Shared Reading

•Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.

•Read a variety of texts in different ways, for e.g stories, lists, information. (Various letters in the story of The Jolly Postman)

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Use books to find out about things that interest them.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Read or interpret their emergent/experimental writing.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Develop manipulative skills in order to be able to handle writing materials.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Three-day week

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter n. Can they read ‘here’? G1: Can they write the words sit, sat and I

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter m Can they read ‘we’? G1: Can they write the words pat, pan and am

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter o Can they read ‘can’? G1: Can they write the words pin, pit and a



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


• talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.


Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Look for and talk about patterns in the environment.

Copy simple repeated patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Touch count sets of objects within 5, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.

Match numerals to sets within 5.

Order sets of up to 5 objects.

Understand conservation of number within 5.


Use money in the context of play (Post office)

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with weight.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Copy simple patterns.


World Around Us

  • About the jobs people do in our local community
  • To be aware of where their home is.
  • About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.
  • Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.
  • Some of the reasons why people and animals move to other places at different times of the year.



October Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•       Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•       Listen to and recall a sequence of instructions.

Phonological awareness

•       Respond to a steady beat

•       Discriminate between sounds, e.g loud/ quiet, high/low, odd one out.


Conventions of speech

•       Observe modelled behaviours

•       Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•       Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.


Language and thinking

•       Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•       Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•       Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

•       Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.


Extended Vocabulary

•       Listen and respond to adults and peers.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•       Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.


Shared Reading

•       Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

•       Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.

•       Enjoy a range of computer-generated texts…Interactive books.

•       Recognise their name.

•       Understand and use some language associated with books, e.g cover, spine, author, illustrator.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•       See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•       Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•       Experiment with mark making to share ideas.

•       Be able to distinguish between drawing and writing.

•       Talk about why people need to write.

•       See themselves as ‘writers’, as they experiment with ‘writing’



Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter t. Can they read the word ‘want’?

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter p. Can they read the word ‘to’?

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter i. Can they read the word ‘play’.

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter n. Can they read the word ‘here’.



ICT led activities:


•       access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•       create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•       talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•       manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•       Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•       communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•       Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths(Weeks 1- 4)

  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.
  • Count forwards from 1, within 5.
  • Count forwards from different starting point, within 5.


  • Number (Weeks 1-4)
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 5
  • Read numerals within 5
  • Write numerals 0 and 1
  • See zero as an empty set.
  • Understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • Touch count sets of objects of either zero or one, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.





  • Measures(Week 2)
  • Understand and use language associated with length.




  • Handling Data ( week 2-4)
  • Sort without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting



  • Shape & Space (week 1-4 )
  • Talk about shapes in the environment.



World around Us

  • To recognise the different materials used every day.
  • How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather
  • About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.
  • How the weather changes through the seasons.
  • That other people share some seasonal and topical significant events.



These clubs start on TUESDAY 20/9/22 To book a place and make payment click on this link




We welcomed some new children to school today...Look at the fun we had!!

We have been mixing colours to match our skin.

We have had so much fun learning indoors.

September Plans



Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.


Phonological awareness

  • Respond to a steady beat
  • Discriminate between sounds, e.g loud/ quiet, high/low, odd one out.


Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Talk about their work, play and things they have made.
  • Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Listen and respond to adults and peers.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Recognise their name.
  • Follow pictorial instructions
  • Understand and use some language associated with books, e.g cover, spine, author, illustrator.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.
  • Talk about why people need to write.
  • See themselves as ‘writers’, as they experiment with ‘writing’





Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

P1 will begin check-ups after Halloween to allow time to develop appropriate skills.



ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.



Mental Maths(Weeks 1- 4)

  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and storie
  • Count forwards from 1, within 5.
  • Count forwards from different starting point, within 5.


  • Number (Weeks 1-4)





  • Read numerals within 5
  • Write numerals 0 and 1
  • See zero as an empty set.
  • Understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • Touch count sets of objects of either zero or one, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 5





  • Measures(Week 2)
  • Understand and use language associated with length.




  • Handling Data ( week 2-4)
  • Sort without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting



  • Shape & Space (week 1-4 )


  • Talk about shapes in the environment.


World Around Us

  • An awareness that they move things by pushing them.
  • How we can heat and cool things to change them.
  • An awareness of what makes everyday things work
  • To recognise and name parts of the body.
  • To be aware of some of the similarities and differences between themselves and other children.
  • About the main stages in human development.
  • To recognise that they have a personal history.
  • How people grow and change.


2021 and 2022 

We had a brilliant day with our buddy’s, making nature pictures.

Congratulations to all the P1s who participated in Sports Day.

Spending time with our buddy’s before they go to ‘big school’.

Congratulations to Amelia for winning two medals in Irish Dancing.

Our last stars for June. Congratulations to Rodrigo, Jakub and Melanyh

June Week 2: Congratulations to Diego who is our new star of the week.

We celebrated ‘World Ocean Day’ by making our own fictional stories about the ocean and colouring posters to remind everyone to keep our oceans clean.

Congratulations to Mischa who won two firsts and was awareded overall winner in her gymnastics.

June Week 1: Congratulations to Enzo and Melany who are our new star of the week and prefect.

Look at our ‘Under the sea’ creatures.

May Week 4: Congratulations to Niltania who is our new star of the week.

May Week 3: Congratulations to Najohn and Jakub who are our new star of the week and prefect.

May Week 2 - Congratulations to Wit who is our new star of the week

Our first numeracy carousel.

Still image for this video

The Gingerbread Man - Part 1

Still image for this video
We made gingerbread men and one of them ran away....or so we thought!

The Gingerbread Man....Part 2

Still image for this video

May Week 1- Congratulations to Najohn and Ramona who are our new Prefect and Star of the week.


In May we are learning to…


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Goldilocks and the three bears and The
  • Gingerbread Man) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.
  • Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.
  • Make their own books.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.
  • Explain what they have done and give reasons for their choices.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • Use ICT to compose and draw e.g Book Creator.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming all the letters in the alphabet.

Can they read ‘said’? G1: Can they write the words bop, top, help

Dictation: I want to help you bop to the top.

Week 2: Can they read ‘now’? G1: Can they write the words not, net, wet

Dictation: I will not get wet.

Week 3: Can they read ‘stop’? G1: Can they write the words dip, did, lip

Dictation: I did cut my lip.

Week 4: Can they read ‘ran’? G1: Can they write the words zip, zap, lap

Dictation: I have a zip on my lap.

Week 5: Can they read ‘don’t’? G1: Can they write the words led, fed, yet

Dictation: I am not fed yet.



ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.





Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

Count backwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points within 15.

Count backwards from different starting points within 15.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 15.

Read numerals within 15

Write numerals within 15.


Devise simple repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Subitise (say how many are in a set without touch or counting) within 5

Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting.


Add two numbers practically, within ten, using a range of formal mathematical language.


Mentally add 1, 2 and 0 to a number, answers within ten.


Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 2 items at a time (total within 5), no change.

Measures (Week 2 and 4)

Given one object, find another object which holds more/less, and prove their choice is correct by

filling one container and pouring into the other, using comparative language


Handling Data ( week 3)

Devise own simple patterns.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Sort three property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion, then re-sort for a third criterion.























World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

That there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

To be aware that there are plants and animals from other parts of the world.

That they share their world with other living things.

About other localities which are different from theirs.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

That people and places change.

Some of the ways we can change our immediate environment, both positively and negatively.

To recognise things around us that move

Some of the ways in which things are made to move (boats etc)

That living things move in the water.


RISE Parent Website. LOTS of excellent resources for parents:

We got to take our bean plants home with us today.

Congratulations to this weeks top doodlers! 1st Yuna, 2nd Danielius and 3rd Michal.

April Week 2 - Congratulations to our star of the week and Prefect....Manuela and Enzo

We have been learning about Traditional Tales....well look who came to our class today!

Congratulations to our top doodlers!

April Week 1- congratulations to David who is our new star of the week.

April Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Goldilocks and the three bears and The
  • Gingerbread Man) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.
  • Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.
  • Make their own books.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.
  • Explain what they have done and give reasons for their choices.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • Use ICT to compose and draw e.g Book Creator.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter w.  Can they read ‘help’’? G1: Can they write the words cut, but, Are

Sentence Dictation: I cut my leg.

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter y.

Can they read ‘but’? G1: Can they write the words bat, fat, We

Sentence Dictation: We can see a fat bat.

Week 3 – Easter Holidays

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter z. Can they read ‘said’? G1: Can they write the words fox, box, Yes

Sentence Dictation: Yes, the fox is in the box.




ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.





Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

Count backwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points within 15.

Count backwards from different starting points within 15.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 15.

Read numerals within 15

Write numerals within 15.

Order a set of non-consecutive numbers within 10 (increasing and decreasing)


Touch count sets of objects within 15, understanding that the size of the set is determined by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number eithin 15.


Add two numbers practically, within ten, using a range of formal mathematical language.


Mentally add 1, 2 and 0 to a number, answers within ten.


Recognise 1p, 2p and 5p coins


Measures (Week 2 and 4)


by direct comparison, using comparative language.

Talk about events in the present, in the past and in the future.

Given one object, find another object which is longer/shorter; taller/ shorter, and prove their choice id correct

Handling Data ( week 3)

Use everyday language to describe familiar 2d and 3d shapes.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Talk about possible areas for data collection and represent the data using objects.





World Around Us


About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

How the weather changes through the seasons.

How people change and grow (Frog lifecycle)

To have an awareness of features of the local landscape.

That they share their world with other living things.

We love to learn outdoors.

Still image for this video

Our Assembly on living and non-living things.

Still image for this video

March Week 4- Congratulations to Wit for completing level 3 in Lexia.

March week 4 - Congratulations to our top doodlers Michal, Yuna and Jakub.

March week 4 - Congratulations to Michal and Ramona who are our new star of the week and Prefect.

We went for a walk to look at the types of houses in our local area.

We found the perfect box to make a bus....Day 1

We went outside to look for things that are living and not living.

Look what Larry the Leprechaun did..... he messed up our classroom and sent us on a hunt to find his treasure.

We turned ourselves into Leprechaun

Learning to Irish Dance on our green day.

Today we went on a St.Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt.

Celebrating the end of Fair Trade Week making Pablo the banana.

Still image for this video

March week 2- Congratulations to our top three doodlers!

March week 2 -Congratulations to Danielius and Rodrigo who are our new star and prefect.

Today we planted bean seeds.

Still image for this video

Our new topic is...’Once upon a time’.

Our magical beans have helped us practice lots of areas of our Maths.

Was this really a giant that has been at the top of our beanstalk??

This morning our water and tuff trays had frozen over! We loved exploring it!

Congratulations to our top three doodlers....Michal (Absent), Valentina and Yuna.

March Week 1 - Congratulations to Adrian for being our new star of the week.

We had so much fun making pancakes on Pancake Tuesday 🥞

March Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.
  • Play oral memory games.


Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme through odd one out games.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g Circle Time.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Market seller/customer.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Three Little Pigs/Jack and the Beanstalk) by using props or picture prompts.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.
  • Be immersed in the language of books.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Use title, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.


  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter e Can they read ‘will’’? G1: Can they write the words kid, rod, too

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter v

Can they read ‘Are’? G1: Can they write the words hot, hat, big

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter x Can they read ‘We’? G1: Can they write the words mop, map, eat

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter l

Can they read ‘Yes’? G1: Can they write the words mat, cat, will




ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths (Weeks 1-3)

  • Count backwards from 10 to 1
  • Know the number “after” within 10
  • Know the number “before” within 10
  • Identify missing numbers in a sequence within 10
  • Order a set of consecutive numbers within 10 (increasing and decreasing)
  • Continue simple repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Number (Weeks 1-4)

  • Order sets of up to 10 sets.
  • Understand conservation of numbers within 10.
  • Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting, within 10., saying which one has more and which one has less. How many more/less, identifying two sets that are the same.


  • Use 1p coins in shopping activities. Buy one item at a time. No Change.
  • Use £1 coins in shopping activities – buy one item at a time – no change.

Measures(Week 2)

  • Compare and talk about the weight of two objects.
  • Compare and talk about the capacity of two containers.

Handling Data ( week 3)

  • Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.

Shape & Space (week 1)

  • Sort 2d and 3d shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting.


World Around Us

  • That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.
  • To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.
  • That living things need food and water to keep them alive.
  • About change all around them (buildings, clothing, food, school environment)
  • To be aware where their home is.
  • To recognise some basic features of their home (eg window, door, roof, chimney, bedroom, garden, garage)
  • To have an awareness that different people live in different homes.
  • About their journey to and from school.
  • To have an awareness of features of the local landscape.
  • That sound comes from a variety of sources.
  • That electricity can be dangerous.
  • That we use light and sound to keep us safe.



Congratulations to Michal, Danielius and Jakob for being the our top 3 at doodlemaths.

Congratulations to Wit for getting his level 2 in Lexia.

February week 4 - Congratulations to Tulasi and Jessica who are our new star of the week and Prefect.

Observational painting on a snowy day.

Let’s go fly a kite! It was so windy today, we thought it would be a perfect day for making kites.

Charlie the Chameleon was on of our favourites!

Still image for this video

Disco Art! Today we put the disco light on and listened to some Olly Murs while we painted!!

February Week 3 - Congratulations to Mischa on being this weeks star of the week.

Our February topic is ‘The Animal Kingdom’. We have had so much fun learning through our play.

Still image for this video

Congratulations to Wit for getting his first Lexia certificate.

Healthy Kidz in February. We have started learning some Gaelic skills.

February Week 1 - Congratulations to our DoodleMaths champions- Danielius, Wit and Adrian

February Week 1- Congratulations to Kevin and Caila who are our new star of the week and Prefect.

February Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.
  • Listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the environment.
  • Listen to and re-call a sequence of instructions.

Phonological awareness

  • Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.
  • Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  • Experiment with and enjoy rhyme.
  • Identify words in phrases.

Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Vet


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Re-tell a story. (Farmer Duck)
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Join in with familiar phrases in a story.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.
  • Develop visual memory and discrimination.
  • Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build up, conclusions.
  • Use pictures and text to make predictions.
  • Make their own books. (Factual book on farm animals)
  • Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.
  • Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Begin to explore how to write words.
  • See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.
  • Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations
  • Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter k Can they read ‘too’’? G1: Can they write the words yes, hug, hog

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter b Can they read ‘big’? G1: Can they write the words dog, dig, we

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter j Can they read ‘eat’? G1: Can they write the words rug, fit, are


ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths(Weeks 1-3)

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10

Count backwards from 10 to 1

Know the number “after” within 10

Know the number “before” within 10

Identify missing numbers in a sequence within 10

Number (Weeks 1-4)

Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0-10

Match numerals to sets 0-10.

Order sets of up to 10 objects.

Understand conservation of numbers within 10



Recognise 1p and £1 coins.




















Measures(Week 2)

Talk about and sequence up to 3 familiar events.


Handling Data ( week 3)

Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.

Shape & Space (week 1)

Follow instructions for movement along a line.







World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.

About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That living things need food and water to keep them alive.

That they share their world with other living things.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

To recognise the young of some familiar animals.

How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather (seasons).

Some of the reasons why animals move from place to place.

That living things move on the ground, underground, in the air and in water.


Jan Week 4 Congratulations to Jivim who is this weeks star of the week.

January week 3: Congratulations to Patrick and Rodrigo who are our new star of the week and Prefect.

Congratulations to our DoodleMaths champions Michal, Danielius and Adrian was absent for photo.

Healthy Kidz with coach Marty

January Week 2 congratulations to Deiva who is our new star of the week.

We are learning to balance.

We had so much fun using winter colours to paint ice.

How do penguins stay warm in Antarctica....we carried out an experiment to see if fat keeps you warm.

January Week 2 Congratulations to Marfel and Danielius who are our new star of the week and Prefect.

January Plans


Learning Intentions

Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

• Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

• Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

• Listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the environment.

Phonological awareness

• Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

• Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

• Experiment with and enjoy rhyme.

Conventions of speech

• Observe modelled behaviours

• Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

• Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Vet


Language and thinking

• alk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•Re-tell a story. (Dear Zoo)

•Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•Join in with familiar phrases in a story.


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.

•Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

•Encounter new words through text experience and begin to use appropriately.

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Begin to explore how to write words.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations

•Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter u. Can they read ‘is’’? G1: Can they write the words tin, an, here

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter d Can they read ‘yes’? G1: Can they write the words can, at, it.

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter h Can they read ‘we’? G1: Can they write the words see, is, as.

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter g

Can they read ‘are’? G1: Can they write the words you, mum, hum



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths (Weeks 1-4)

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10

Count backwards from 5 to 1

Extend range of counts to include 0

Recognise spoken numerals within 10

Read numerals within 10

Write numbers within 10


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Understand that 0 means none.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0-10

Match numerals to sets 0-10.


Recognise 1p and £1 coins.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Compare and talk and talk about the length/height of two objects.

Understand the concept of area as the idea of covering a surface.


Handling Data ( week 2)

Use mapping diagrams to show relationships between members of two sets.

Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Make and describe patterns using a variety of materials.

Continue simple patterns.



World Around Us

That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

To be aware that there are plants and animals in other parts of the world.

About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.

That living things need food and water to keep them alive.

That they share their world with other living things.

How weather is different in different places and can have an impact on living things.

To recognise the young of some familiar animals.

How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather (seasons).

Some of the reasons why animals move from place to place.

That living things move on the ground, underground, in the air and in water.


Dec Week 4 and Jan week 1: Congratulations to Tulasi and Richelle who are our new Star of the week and prefect.

How much sugar is in our favourite drinks....we made predictions and were shocked at our findings!

December week 2: congratulations to Martyna and Marfel who are our new star of the week and prefect.


Still image for this video

Primary One did an amazing job of telling the story of The Jolly Postman.....but.....with a difference!

Still image for this video

Our Santa golden mile

We had fun using stickers to make sets.

The cake thief!

Still image for this video
An investigation by the Little Foxes

Santaaaaaaaaaaa! I know him!

Still image for this video

Little snowflakes.

Still image for this video
How beautiful are these?

Healthy Kids with coach Diarmaid!

December Plans



Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

Phonological awareness

•Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

•Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Conventions of speech

•Observe modelled behaviours

•Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

•Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Postman, firefighter and Policeman


Language and thinking

•Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•Be immersed in the language of books


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.

Share a wide range of books with parents/carers.


Shared Reading

•Read a variety of texts in different ways, for e.g stories, lists, information. (Various letters in the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman)

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Explore features in written language, e.g. the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Read or interpret their emergent/experimental writing.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations

•Talk about what they want to write


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter c. Can they read ‘see’? G1: Can they write the words sip, tip and to

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter f Can they read ‘you’? G1: Can they write the words tap, nap, want

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter r Can they read ‘it/It’? G1: Can they write the words nan, tan, play.

Week 4: Three Day week



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


• talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.



Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Understand conservation of number within 5.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.


Partition sets into subsets, within 5.

Combine sets to find a total, within 5.


Use money in the context of play (Post office)

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with time.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Explore body space through different types of movement.


World Around Us

Some of the reasons why people and animals move to other places at different times of the year.

About the jobs people do in our local community

To be aware of where their home is.

About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.

About the jobs people do in our local community

About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.

About the jobs people do in our local community.

Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.


December week 1- Congratulations to our new star of the week - Daniel.

We had so much fun painting fire on various surfaces.

November week 4 - Congratulations to our new Prefect and star of the week- Martyna and Jessica.

We had lots of fun putting our throwing and catching skills into action.

Oh no!!!! There was a big fire outside our classroom, but luckily our firefighters worked together under the leadership of fire chief Scruff and they were able to put the fire out.

Scruff helps us to write the letter, ‘m’.

November week 3: Congratulations to Angela who is this weeks star!

We have been writing letters and posting them ourselves.

Fun learning about weight.

We started our new topic today....”When I grow up”. We are learning about all the jobs we could do to help people when we grow up. Here we are having the best fun at play.

November week 2 ...Congratulations to this weeks star and prefect... Patrick and Martyna

In November,

We are learning to …


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•Listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories.

Phonological awareness

•Explore the structure of words by identifying and manipulating phonemes.

•Focusing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Conventions of speech

•Observe modelled behaviours

•Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

•Adopt a role relevant to context e.g Postman, firefighter and Policeman


Language and thinking

•Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

•Ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate.


Extended Vocabulary

•Be immersed in the language of books


Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

•Develop visual memory and discrimination.


Shared Reading

•Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.

•Read a variety of texts in different ways, for e.g stories, lists, information. (Various letters in the story of The Jolly Postman)

•Talk about ways that unknown words can be read, e.g, using picture cues, contextual cues, second cues.

•Use books to find out about things that interest them.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•Read or interpret their emergent/experimental writing.

•See themselves as writers as they experiment with writing in a range of informal contexts e.g writing messages or during play.

•Develop manipulative skills in order to be able to handle writing materials.

•Talk about the different forms of writing in context, for e.g Birthday cards, catalogues, lists, invitations


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Three-day week

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter n. Can they read ‘here’? G1: Can they write the words sit, sat and I

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter m Can they read ‘we’? G1: Can they write the words pat, pan and am

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter o Can they read ‘can’? G1: Can they write the words pin, pit and a



ICT led activities:


•access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


• talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.


Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Look for and talk about patterns in the environment.

Copy simple repeated patterns using concrete materials or pictures.

Touch count sets of objects within 5, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.

Match numerals to sets within 5.

Order sets of up to 5 objects.

Understand conservation of number within 5.


Use money in the context of play (Post office)

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with weight.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Copy simple patterns.


World Around Us

  • About the jobs people do in our local community
  • To be aware of where their home is.
  • About the variety of buildings in their locality, including their purpose.
  • Some of the jobs of familiar people in school and in the locality.
  • Some of the reasons why people and animals move to other places at different times of the year.



The Little Foxes had amazing costumes for Halloween....Have a look.....

Our Halloween cards.

That terrible Titchy Witch turned our principal Ms Mulholland into a pumpkin!!!!!!!

We made wands for Halloween

The Talented Little Foxes sing...."The Witches of Halloween"

Still image for this video

October week 4...Congratulations to Jivim who is our new star of the week.

Uh oh.... Titchy witch is back! But thankfully she didn’t do any spells, she just needed the P1s to make her a new waterproof hat.

We had fun making Halloween decorations and learning about 2 colour patterns.

Healthy coach Marty got us to make scary Halloween faces 🎃

October week 4...Congratulations to our new star of the week and prefect...Richelle and Tulasi.

Our first golden mile.

Making sets of three

October week 2 ... Congratulations to Amelia who is this weeks star of the week.

We collected Autumn leaves. We talked about the different colours and sizes.

This week we have been learning the Nursery Rhyme..."Incy Wincy Spider"

October Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

•       Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

•       Listen to and recall a sequence of instructions.

Phonological awareness

•       Respond to a steady beat

•       Discriminate between sounds, e.g loud/ quiet, high/low, odd one out.


Conventions of speech

•       Observe modelled behaviours

•       Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

•       Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.


Language and thinking

•       Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

•       Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

•       Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

•       Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.


Extended Vocabulary

•       Listen and respond to adults and peers.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

•       Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.


Shared Reading

•       Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

•       Use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content.

•       Enjoy a range of computer-generated texts…Interactive books.

•       Recognise their name.

•       Understand and use some language associated with books, e.g cover, spine, author, illustrator.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

•       See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

•       Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

•       Experiment with mark making to share ideas.

•       Be able to distinguish between drawing and writing.

•       Talk about why people need to write.

•       See themselves as ‘writers’, as they experiment with ‘writing’



Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter t. Can they read the word ‘want’?

Week 2: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter p. Can they read the word ‘to’?

Week 3: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter i. Can they read the word ‘play’.

Week 4: Check for knowledge of writing, sounding and naming the letter n. Can they read the word ‘here’.



ICT led activities:


•       access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


•       create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


•       talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


•       manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

•       Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


•       communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital

•       Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.




Mental Maths(Weeks 1- 4)

  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.
  • Count forwards from 1, within 5.
  • Count forwards from different starting point, within 5.


  • Number (Weeks 1-4)
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 5
  • Read numerals within 5
  • Write numerals 0 and 1
  • See zero as an empty set.
  • Understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • Touch count sets of objects of either zero or one, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.





  • Measures(Week 2)
  • Understand and use language associated with length.




  • Handling Data ( week 2-4)
  • Sort without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting



  • Shape & Space (week 1-4 )
  • Talk about shapes in the environment.



World around Us

  • To recognise the different materials used every day.
  • How animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather
  • About weather in the different seasons and how it affects living things.
  • How the weather changes through the seasons.
  • That other people share some seasonal and topical significant events.

Throwing and catching.

October Week 1... Congratulations to Jakub and Michale who are our new Star and Prefect!

We had fun learning about capacity. We know the terms, full, half full and empty!

After learning the nursery rhyme, Pat a cake, we made our own cake.

Clay cakes after learning about pat a cake.

Captain America left us surprises for being amazing at the letter 'a'.

We have had so much fun turning our garden into a Sensory Nursery Rhyme garden.

We ended bike to school week with lots of practice on our bicycles.

We have been learning about the letter, 'a'.

September Week 4: Congratulations to Emma who is this weeks star of the week,

Congratulations to Daniel who won Ollies colouring competition.

We have started work on our garden.

Making the letter S with playdough.

Learning in the outdoors and having so much fun!!!

We have learned so much through our indoor play.

We can make our own playdough.

We have been practicing our pre-writing skills.

We have been re-telling Humpty Dumpty and then trying to put him back together again.

Congratulations to Michal who won this weeks colouring competition.

Congratulations to Yuna and Wit who are our new Star of the week and Prefect!

Our first Healthy Kidz lesson was so much fun!

We love to sort!!!

Congratulations to Caila who won Ollies colouring competition.

September Week 2...Congratulations to Valentina who is our new Star of the Week.

Our first Paintings. We can choose our own colours, paint and clean up.

We can butter our own toast and tidy up after.

Congratulations to Michelle and Diego....Our very first star and prefect.

September Plans


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

Attention & Listening

  • Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.
  • Listen to the views and ideas of others.


Phonological awareness

  • Respond to a steady beat
  • Discriminate between sounds, e.g loud/ quiet, high/low, odd one out.


Conventions of speech

  • Observe modelled behaviours
  • Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.
  • Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.


Language and thinking

  • Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.
  • Talk about their work, play and things they have made.
  • Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.
  • Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.


Extended Vocabulary

  • Listen and respond to adults and peers.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.


Shared Reading

  • Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.
  • Talk about personal experiences related to text.
  • Recognise their name.
  • Follow pictorial instructions
  • Understand and use some language associated with books, e.g cover, spine, author, illustrator.



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

  • See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.
  • Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

  • Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.
  • Talk about why people need to write.
  • See themselves as ‘writers’, as they experiment with ‘writing’


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

P1 will begin check-ups after Halloween to allow time to develop appropriate skills.


ICT led activities:


  • access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


  • create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.


  •  talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


  • manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
  • Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


  • communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital
  • Children will learn how to use See Saw as a way of sending observations and photographs home to their families.



We are learning to…

Mental Maths(Weeks 1- 4)

  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.
  • Count forwards from 1, within 5.
  • Count forwards from different starting point, within 5.


  • Number (Weeks 1-4)
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 5
  • Read numerals within 5
  • Write numerals 0 and 1
  • See zero as an empty set.
  • Understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • Touch count sets of objects of either zero or one, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.





  • Measures(Week 2)
  • Understand and use language associated with length.




  • Handling Data ( week 2-4)
  • Sort without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting



  • Shape & Space (week 1-4 )
  • Talk about shapes in the environment.


World Around Us

We are learning


  • To recognise and name parts of the body.
  • About the main stages in human development.
  • To recognise that they have a personal history.
  • To be aware of some of the similarities and differences between themselves and other children.





  • To recognise that they have a personal history.


Change over time.

  • How people grow and change.




Dear parents/ Queridos pais/ Drodzy Rodzice

If you have 2 or more children, you will have to log off and then log in on the Seesaw app. Each child has a separate code for the seesaw app. Please keep the codes you have been given for each child safe so you can sign in and out for each child.

This is only the case if you have 2 or more children on Seesaw using the same device.

We are sorry for any inconvenience but each child has a separate account for Seesaw as they have different classes. If you would like another copy of the code please do not hesitate to contact me on or your teachers email address is on their webpage.

Se tem um ou mais filhos, tem que sair de uma conta Seesaw para poder entrar em outra. Cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo para a sua conta Seesaw. Por favor, guarde os codigos que foram atribuidos aos seus filhos cuidadosamente para poder fazer o login e o logout sempre que necessário.

Este caso aplica-se apenas a quem tem mais que um filho a usar o mesmo dispositivo electronico para a Seesaw.

Pedimos desculpas pela incoveniencia mas cada aluno tem o seu proprio codigo de usuário pois estao em classes diferentes. Se necessita de uma outra copia do codigo, nao hesite em pedir-me atraves do email ou atraves do email do professor que está disponivel na nossa página online.

Jesli masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci, musisz sie calkowicie wylogowac, a nastepnie ponownie  zalogowac w aplikacji Seesaw. Kazde dziecko otrzymalo indywidualny  kod do app . Seesaw. Zachowaj kody, ktore otrzymales osobno dla kazdego z dzieci, abys mogl indywidualnie  zalogowac  i wylogowac  kazde z  dziecko  z osobna.

Informacja ta dotyczy rodzicow w  przypadku, gdy masz 2 lub wiecej dzieci  w szkole korzystajacych z app.Seesaw z tego samego urządzenia.

Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodnosci, ale  kazde dziecko ma oddzielne konto na app. Seesaw, poniewaz uczeszczaja do innej klasy. Jesli chcesz otrzymac kolejna kopie kodu, nie wahaj sie skontaktowac ze mna pod adresem lub adres e-mail Twojego nauczyciela ktory znajduje sie na  stronie internetowej szkoly.

Kind regards/ Com os melhores comprimentos/ Z powazaniem

Ms Mulholland





Look what our fantastic teachers did 🏆🏆🏆🏆












2020 and 2021


The Fantastic Primary 5 Fox Class

Important Class Information


December Learning




Talking and Listening

  • Practise for our Christmas Song Performance.
  • Offer reasons and evidence for their views.


Stories with difficult feelings

  • Create roles to explore character and viewpoint, discuss issues in groups.
  • Organise texts into chronological order.
  • Understand sentence and story structure.



  • Write a diary entry using correct grammar and in chronological order.
  • Listen to a story and record key points using a story map.
  • Use story map plan to write about dilemmas, feelings and issues.
  • Write about main character’s characteristics – feelings and appearance.





  • Identify verbs in sentences; use a range of similar or synonymous verbs; appreciate and use effective and appropriate verbs.
  • Understand the concept of verb tense using was/were, saw/seen / did/done
  • Know and understand the term ‘homograph’ - same spelling different meaning, e.g. lead/lead
  • Know and understand the difference between a homophone and a homograph.





Mental Maths

  • Find doubles of multiples of 10 up to 100 and corresponding halves.
  • Find doubles of multiples of 100 up to 500 and corresponding halves.
  • Find doubles of multiples of 5 up to double 95
  • Find what must be added to any 2-digit number to make 100
  • Division by 2, 5 and 10
  • Multiplication by 8 and 9



  • Use knowledge of place value to develop a standard written method for vertical addition and subtraction HTU (With exchange and decomposition)
  • Know how to multiply and divide by 10/100 and 1000
  • Use one operation function machines to reinforce quick recall of + and -
  • Also, with X and ÷
  • Use the vertical method for written multiplication



  • Revise o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past on the analogue clock
  • To use analogue and digital clocks to tell the time to 5 minutes.
  • Calculate what time it will be or was using different intervals.
  • Understand what a square cm is and how to calculate area.





  • To investigate circuits and their different components.
  • To recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
  • Children will use I pads to research electricity and record facts such as who discovered  electricity.
  • To be able to plan and carry out an experiment to see how to change the brightness of a bulb.


Global Learning – Environmental Sustainability

  • To know that Christmas has an impact on how much electricity we use. 


April Week 3 and 4 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Prefect, Accelerated Reader, Lexia, Doodle Tables and Doodle Maths

March Week 4 Celebrations - Accelerated Reader, Prefect, Star of the Week, Doodle Tables / Doodle Maths

Electricity Investigation

Accelerated Reader Superstars who won a tasty Mc Donald’s meal for earning 90 reading test stamps. What an outstanding achievement!

December Week 3 Celebrations - Christmas Card Competition Winners, Star of the Week, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables

Feed the World - Do they Know it's Christmas?

December Week 2 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Prefect, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables

December Week 1 Celebrations - November Accelerated Reader winner and Doodle Maths winner, Star of the Week, weekly Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables winners

November Week 4 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Prefect, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables. Congratulations everyone!

November Week 3 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables Winners

November Week 2 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Prefect, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables Winners!

November Week 1 Celebrations - Star of the Week, Doodle Maths Winners and Dinner Raffle Winner

October Accelerated Reader and Doodle Maths Winners

Helena, you will be a terrific Prefect in our class! (Friday 16th October)

Alisha you were a super Star of the Week (Friday 16th October)

Doodle Maths Winners (Friday 16th October)

Congratulations to our election winners! School Council - Ella and Alex. Eco Council - Jason and Sophia. Sustrans - Dawid

School Council, Eco-Council and Sustrans Council Auditions

Doodle Champions (Friday 9th October)

Congratulations to Kenny! You are a real gentleman. Congratulations to Orlagh! You are very creative and talented!

Szymon you were a great Star of the Week (Friday 9th October)

Letycia is the Primary 5 Fox £5 Raffle Winner. Congratulations!

Well done to Alisha who is the P.5 Fox Accelerated Reader Champion in September!

Primary 5 Foxes are the Accelerated Reader Class Champions in September :)

Doodle English Winners - Friday 2nd October

Doodle Maths Winners - Friday 2nd October

Congratulations to Orlagh who is our Accelerated Reader School Champion in September!

Letycia you were a brilliant Star of the Week (Friday 2nd October)

Congratulations to Dawid who is our new Class Prefect (Friday 2nd October)

25th September - Excellent Doodling this week 🦊😀🌟🌟🌟👏👏

Friday 25th September - Yasmin you have been a super Star of the Week!

Our new Class Prefect is Kenny for being such an excellent role model to others.

You have been a super Star of the Week Erlon!

Fox's Class Prefect! You are doing an amazing job Ella!

Congratulations Sophia on being a brilliant Star the Week!

Fantastic first week back!

Ancient Egyptians - The Mummy Song

Still image for this video
Practise The Mummy Song for our virtual class assembly :)

Parent Information for New School Year


The Ni Executive has confirmed if you travel back from Portugal AFTER 4 am on Saturday 22/8/20 you do NOT have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Parents are reminded if their children have returned from Portugal BEFORE 22/8/20 they MUST still keep isolating for 14  days from the date of their return. We TRUST ALL parents will follow this advice and send their children back to school on the correct date if they are isolating currently. We are caring for the safety of our whole school community and ask parents to follow the this updated advice.

kindest regards

Ms Mulholland

O executivo do Norte da Irelanda confirmou que se viajar de volta ao UK DEPOIS das 4 da manhã de sábado, dia 22/08/20, de Portugal NÃO precisará ficar em quarentena por 2 semanas.  Os pais são avisados se os seus filhos regressaram de Portugal ANTES de 22/08/20, DEVEM continuar a isolar-se durante 14 dias a partir da data do regresso.  Confiamos que TODOS os pais seguirão este conselho e enviarão os seus filhos de volta à escola na data correta, caso ainda estejam a cumprir isolamento.  Estamos a zelar pela segurança de toda a nossa comunidade escolar e pedimos aos pais que sigam esta orientação atualizada.  
Ms Mulholland 