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P1 Little Bears

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P1 Little Bears class page

2019 and 2020 

In March

We are learning to…


Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard. (Farmer Duck and The Tiny Seed)

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories e.g How goes the work… Quack!

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

Environment (Farm sounds)

-listen to the views and ideas of others.


Phonological awareness

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables, identifying and manipulating phonemes and focussing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, e, v, x and l.

-identify words in phrases;

-Experiment with and enjoy rhyme

Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the farmer.


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;

Express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and opinions


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;

Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers

-develop visual memory and discrimination. (See High Frequency words listed below.)

Week 1 – at, be

Week 2 – but, for

Week 3 – had, have

Week 4 – her, him.


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text

explore features in written language, for example, the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full-stops;

talk about ways that unknown words can be read, for example, using picture cues, contextual cues, sound cues; encounter new words through



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

- ‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;

talk about different forms of writing in context, for example, recipes, stories or lists; begin to explore how to write words;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1 G1 rug, fit, kit, go G2 rug, fit, go G3 satpin/ pin

Week 2 G1 rot, hot, hat, too G2 hot, hat, too G3 satpin/ sit

Week 3 G1 mop, map, mat, come G2 map, mat, come G3 satpin/sat

Week 4 G1 cat, cut, but, look G2 cat, cut, look G3 satpin/tap



Mental Maths

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count backwards from 5 to 1.

Count backwards from 10-1

Count forwards/backwards (hiccup counting) within 10

Extend range of counts to include 0


Number (Weeks 1-5)

Recognise spoken numerals within 10

Read numerals within 10

Write numerals within 10

Know the number “after” within 10.

Know the number “before” within 10

Know the number ‘between’ within 10

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 10

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 10 (increasing and decreasing)

Continue simple  repeating patterns using concrete materials or pictures

Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0- 10

Match numerals to sets 0-10

Order sets of up to 10 objects

Understand conservation of number within 10

Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting, within 10, saying which has more/less/same.

Partition sets into subsets, within 10

Combine sets to find a total, within 10

Recognise 1p and £1 coins.

Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 1 item at a time, no change.

Use £1 coins in shopping activities – buy 1 item at a time, no change.

Measures(Week 2, 4)

Talk about and sequence up to 3 familiar events.

Understand the concept of area as the idea of covering a surface.

Handling Data

Use mapping diagrams to show relationships between members of two sets.

Shape & Space

Continue simple patterns

Follow instructions for movement along a line


World Around Us

Know that there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality.

Understand that living things need food and water to keep them alive.

Know how animals and plants are influenced by changes in weather.

Understand that living things can be sorted into plants and animals.       

That they share their world with other living things.

Know that there is a wide variety of plants and animals in the locality






Sharing a story for world book day!

i pad time

Growing our own beans!

Our visit to the library.

It's fun to measure!

Sorting links.

February Plans

Children will have the opportunities to:


Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

environment; and

-listen to and recall a sequence of instructions


Phonological awareness

Respond to a steady beat

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables, identifying and manipulating phonemes and focussing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, k, b, j

-identify words in phrases;

-Experiment with and enjoy rhyme

Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the zoo keeper in a zoo.


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;

Express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and opinions


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;

Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers

-develop visual memory and discrimination.


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text

explore features in written language, for example, the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full-stops;

talk about ways that unknown words can be read, for example, using picture cues, contextual cues, sound cues; encounter new words through



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

- ‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;

talk about different forms of writing in context, for example, recipes, stories or lists; begin to explore how to write words;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1 G1 dog, dig, dug, little G2 dog, dig, little G3 satpin/ it

Week 2 G1 rug, fit, kit, go G2 rug, fit, go G3 satpin/ in

Week 3 Midterm

Week 4 G1 kid, rid, rod, can G2 kid, rod, can G3 satpin/ is




Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count forwards from 1, within 10.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 10.

Count backwards from 5 to 1.

Count backwards from 10 to 1.



Number (Weeks 1-4)

Recognise spoken numerals within 10.

Read numerals within 10.

Write numerals within 10.

Know the number “after” within 10.


Touch count sets of objects within 10, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number 0- 10.

Match numerals to sets.


Partition sets into subsets, within 10.


Recognise 1p  and £1 coins.

Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 1 item at a time, no change.

Use £1 coins in shopping activities – buy 1 item at a time, no change.


Measures(Week 1)

Compare and talk about the capacity of two objects.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.


Shape & Space (week 4)

Sort 2D and 3D shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting (e.g. by number of sides).




World Around Us


Develop a knowledge of the similarities and differences between Portadown and Patricia’s village in Uganda

To have an awareness that people live in different homes.

About other localities that are different to theirs.

That some of our goods and services come from other places;

We are amazing at running the Golden Mile.

Hopefully by June we will have ran the distance from Lurgan to the Titanic Quarter.

All our work for Catholic Education Week

Catholic Schools Week

January Plans

In January We are learning to…


  • Count forwards from 1, within 10.
  • Count forwards from different starting points, within 10.
  • Count backwards from 5 to 1.
  • Recognise spoken numerals within 9.
  • Read numerals within 9.
  • Write numerals within 9.
  • Know the number “after” within 10.
  • Know the number “before” within 5
  • Touch count sets of objects within 9, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.
  • Make a variety of sets for a given number 0- 9.
  • Recognise 1p  and 2p coins.
  • Use 1p coins in shopping activities – buy 1 item at a time, no change.
  • Compare and talk about the length/ height of two objects.
  • Sort two property sets for one criterion, then re-sort the set for a second criterion.
  • Sort 2D and 3D shapes for one criterion and talk about their sorting (e.g. by number of sides).



Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

environment; and

-listen to and recall a sequence of instructions


Phonological awareness

Respond to a steady beat

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables, identifying and manipulating phonemes and focussing on sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, u, d, h, g

-identify words in phrases;

-Experiment with and enjoy rhyme

Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the baker in a bakery


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;

Express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and opinions


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;

Join in focused experiences to introduce or generate vocabulary.



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers

-develop visual memory and discrimination.


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text

explore features in written language, for example, the beginning, middle and end of words, spaces between words, direct speech, exclamation marks, question marks, capital letters and full-stops;

talk about ways that unknown words can be read, for example, using picture cues, contextual cues, sound cues; encounter new words through



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

- ‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;

talk about different forms of writing in context, for example, recipes, stories or lists; begin to explore how to write words;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1 G1 pin, pit, sip, dad G2 name practice/ pin, dad G3 Copy name/ pin

Week 2 G1 an, at, it, here G2 name practice/ at, it, here G3 Copy name/ satpin/ an

Week 3 G1 is, as, in, big G2 name practice/as, in, big G3 Copy name/ satpin/ at

Week 4 G1 hum, hug, hog, my G2 name practice/hum, my G3 Copy name/ satpin, it


World Around Us.

-That living things move on the ground, underground, in the air and in water.

-That living things can be sorted into plants and animals.

-That living things need food and water to keep them alive.

--That they share their world with other living things.

To be aware that there are plants and animals from other parts of the world.

December Internet Plans

In Literacy, we are learning to…


Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

environment; and

-listen to and recall a sequence of instructions


Phonological awareness

Respond to a steady beat

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, f and r

-identify words in phrases;

discriminate between sounds, for example:

– loud/quiet,

– high/low,

– odd one out;


Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the baker in a bakery


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-recognise their name.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text;



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

-Talk about why people need to write.

-‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1 G.1 nan, tan, tin, G2 name practice/nan    G3 tracing name and copy./ SATPIN

Week 2 g1 pat, pan, pin G2 name practice/pat  G3 tracing name and copy./ SATPIN






In Numeracy, we are learning to…

Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Touch count sets of objects within 5, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.

Match numerals to sets within 5.

Partition sets into sub-sets, within 5.

Use money in the context of play.

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with time.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Talk about shapes in the environment.


In World Around Us, we are learning to…


•be aware of where their home is.

recognise some basic features of their home.

•talk about their journey to and from school.

be aware that different people live in different homes.

be aware of the features of their local landscape.

understand hat people are not as fortunate as us, some people live in poverty, no electricity etc.

know that many of the appliances we use are powered by electricity.

December Internet Plans

In Literacy, we are learning to…


Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

environment; and

-listen to and recall a sequence of instructions


Phonological awareness

Respond to a steady beat

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, f and r

-identify words in phrases;

discriminate between sounds, for example:

– loud/quiet,

– high/low,

– odd one out;


Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the baker in a bakery


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-recognise their name.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text;



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

-Talk about why people need to write.

-‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up

Week 1 G.1 nan, tan, tin, G2 name practice/nan    G3 tracing name and copy./ SATPIN

Week 2 g1 pat, pan, pin G2 name practice/pat  G3 tracing name and copy./ SATPIN






In Numeracy, we are learning to…

Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Touch count sets of objects within 5, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.

Match numerals to sets within 5.

Partition sets into sub-sets, within 5.

Use money in the context of play.

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with time.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Talk about shapes in the environment.


In World Around Us, we are learning to…


•be aware of where their home is.

recognise some basic features of their home.

•talk about their journey to and from school.

be aware that different people live in different homes.

be aware of the features of their local landscape.

understand hat people are not as fortunate as us, some people live in poverty, no electricity etc.

know that many of the appliances we use are powered by electricity.

Titchy Witch turned Ms Mulholland into a PUMPKIN!!!!!

November Plans

In Literacy, we are learning to…

Talking & listening

Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:


Attention & Listening

-Listen to a wide range of stories, songs, poems, music and writing of other children, using various media for e.g cds, interactive whiteboard.

-listen and respond to familiar phrases in stories

-listen to a variety of sounds in order to identify familiar sounds in the

environment; and

-listen to and recall a sequence of instructions


Phonological awareness

--Respond to a steady beat

Explore the structure of words by

- tapping syllables

- focussing on initial sounds, specifically, m, o, c, f

-identify words in phrases;

discriminate between sounds, for example:

– loud/quiet,

– high/low,

– odd one out;


Conventions of speech

-Observe modelled behaviours

-Initiate and join in conversations, taking turns with adults/ another child/ children e.g during play.

-Take part in oral language activities, e.g circle time.

- adopt a role relevant to context, for example, the baker in a bakery


Language and thinking

-Talk about experiences, pictures, stories, rhymes, poems and information with adults/peers, for a range of purposes.

-Talk about their work, play and things they have made.

-Repeat sound sequences, for example, short clapping or musical phrases.

-Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, rhymes, poems and songs.

-Retell a story, for example, by using pictures, props or prompts;

-ask and answer questions for a range of purposes, (for example, to find information, ask permission, find out ‘why?’) with adults modelling questions for children where appropriate;


Extended Vocabulary

-Listen and respond to adults and peers.

-be immersed in the language of books;

-join in with familiar phrases in a story;



Weeks 1-4  

Children will have the opportunities to:

-Enjoy a range of stories, poems and non- fiction texts, read to them by adults/ other children.

-share a wide range of books with parents/carers


Shared Reading

-Talk about what has been read and say what they have enjoyed or found out.

-Talk about personal experiences related to text.

-recognise their name.

-talk about story structures, for example, actions, reactions, build-up, conclusion

-read a variety of texts in diff rent ways, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-use title, cover, blurb and illustrations to predict type of text and content;

-use pictures and text to make predictions, for example, stories, lists, information books;

-talk about personal experiences related to text;



Weeks 1-4   

Modelled writing

-See the teacher as a “writer”, e.g writing messages, recording observations, scribing shared text.

-Observe the teacher modelling specific writing strategies, including directionally, ---correspondence between spoken and written word, spacing, sound- symbol ---relationships, letter formation and simple punctuation.

Shared, guided and Independent writing

-Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.

-Talk about why people need to write.

-‘read or interpret’ their emergent/experimental writing;

-see themselves as ‘writers’ as they experiment with ‘writing’ in a range of informal contexts, for example,

-writing messages or during play;

-talk about what they want to write;


Weekly Spelling and dictation check up


Week 2 m, am, sat, tip

Week 3 o, mum, tap, nap

Week 4 c, me, nan, tan


ICT led activities:


access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources.


create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.

Children will use RM Colour Magic to make marks with the interactive pen. Children will be encouraged to select a different colour for each letter. Children will progress to attempting to write their name.


 talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.


manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.

Children will recognise the print icon and go to the office to collect their work.


communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digital


In Numeracy, we are learning to…

Mental Maths(Weeks 1-4)

Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories.

Count forwards from 1, within 5.

Count forwards from different starting points, within 5.


Number (Weeks 1-4)

Know the number “after” within 5.

Identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 5.

Order a set of consecutive numbers within 5 (increasing and decreasing).

Touch count sets of objects within 5, understanding that the size of the set is given by the last number in the count.

Make a variety of sets for a given number within 5.

Match numerals to sets within 5.

Partition sets into sub-sets, within 5.

Use money in the context of play.

Understand the idea of exchanging goods for money.


Measures(Weeks 2 and 4)

Understand and use language associated with time.



Handling Data ( week 2)

Sort one property sets for one criterion.


Shape & Space (weeks1-4)

Talk about shapes in the environment.



In W.A.U, we are learning to…

•be aware of where their home is.

recognise some basic features of their home.

•talk about their journey to and from school.

be aware that different people live in different homes.

be aware of the features of their local landscape.

understand hat people are not as fortunate as us, some people live in poverty, no electricity etc.

know that many of the appliances we use are powered by electricity.


Storytelling with our buddies.

Meeting our buddies for the first time.

Fun learning about the triangle.

We can match sets

Our first official picture for Portadown Times

We are great at sorting.

Our very first day in school.
