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P3 Zebras

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P3 Zebras class page

2019 and 2020 





Fiction/Non-fiction: Traditional stories/ Easter poems/stories and information texts 


Talking and Listening: (Weeks 1)

  • Listen to and share ideas and experiences with others in class

    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 2)
  • read, memorise and recite poems
    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 3)
  • work collaboratively in a group, e.g. allocate tasks, consider alternatives and reach agreement
    Talking and Listening: (Weeks 4)
  • listen to talk or story by an adult, remember some specific points 
  • recount main points in own words
  • present parts of traditional stories, own stories or work from different areas of the curriculum for a range of audiences
    Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction Weeks 1)
  • understand the concept of story types by examining events, settings, characters and language used
  • write character profiles, e.g. simple descriptions, posters, passports, using key words and phrases that describe or are spoken by characters in the text



Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction Weeks 2)
  • know to expect patterns of rhythm, rhyme and other features of sound in poems
  •  know when the reading aloud of a poem makes sense and is effective
  • know the terms ‘poet’, ‘poem’, ‘verse’, ‘rhyme’ and ‘rhythm’ and use when discussing favourite poets and poems
  • use structures from poems as a basis for writing, by extending or substituting elements, inventing own lines, verses; make class collections, illustrate with captions
    Text Level Work (Genre: Non-Fiction Weeks 3)
  • know the term ‘explanation’ and have experience of flow charts and cyclical diagrams that explain a process, e.g. life-cycle of a frog
  • produce simple flow charts or diagrams that explain a process

Text Level Work (Genre: Fiction/ Non-Fiction Weeks 4)

  • have a sense of audience through reading aloud own stories/ poems



Sentence Level Work (Weeks 1-2)
  • investigate and recognise a range of other ways of presenting texts, e.g. speech bubbles, enlarged, bold or italicised print, captions, headings and sub-headings


Sentence Level Work (Weeks 3)

  • use verb tenses with accuracy in speaking and writing, e.g. catch/caught, see/saw, go/went


Sentence Level Work (Weeks 4)

  • use commas to separate items in a list


Word Level Work (Weeks 1-2)

  • identify and categorize the most common representations of the same sound, e.g. boat, no, tow, note
  • spell new words using phonics and a range of self-checking strategies


Word Level Work (Weeks 3)

  • use word endings, e.g. ‘s’ (plural), ‘ed’ (past tense), ‘ing’ (present tense) to support their reading and writing
    Word Level Work (Weeks 4)
  • investigate and use words associated with time, e.g. soon, before, as, when




Number (weeks 1-4)

Understand concepts of odd and even numbers through use of practical materials practical materials.

Recognise odd and even numbers.

Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical addition TU (no carrying).

Develop a standard written method for vertical addition TU (no carrying), estimating the answer before calculating.

Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange).

Develop a standard written method for vertical subtraction TU (no exchange), estimating the answer before calculating.

Mental Maths (weeks 1-4)

Count forwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Count backwards in tens within 100, from different starting numbers (multiples of 10, then any number).

Handling Data (weeks 1 and 3)

Record results of sorting on given blank Tree, Venn and Carroll Diagrams using own drawings. Explain what their drawing represents. Suggest own ways of sorting, and label diagrams accordingly.


Measure (weeks 1)

Appreciate the conservation of length through practical investigations.

Appreciate the need for a standard unit of length.


Shape and Space (weeks 2 and 4)

Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 2D shapes.

Create repeating patterns using 3 or more different 3D shapes.



TOPIC - Healthy Living


Create menus

Sequencing main events of a story

Create non-fiction flowcharts

Labelling food



Favourite fruit bar chart


Sorting foods by meal

(1 criterion)

Estimating portion size


Arts / PE

Pupils will discuss the importance of daily exercise and a balanced diet. They will illustrate their own idea of a healthy and unhealthy person. They will discuss the choices these people make which influences whether they are healthy/unhealthy. They will produce posters to promote an aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

Painting using food

Still life fruit bowl.



That there is a variety of plant and animal life in the world around them (Science)

That human activity can create waste in a variety of ways [food wrapping, pollution from transportation of food] (Geography)

About the significance of seasonal events and the effect they have had on peoples lives(H)



What fruit and vegetables need in order to grow (science)

About how weather in other places differs from that in their own area and how it affects food produce that is available to us (Geography)


Movement and energy  

About the impact of famine, floods, wars, migration and emigration on everyday lives people in place (H)

 About the good that are imported or exported from other countries.


Change over time

How living things [ourselves, food produce)  grow and change


how goods and services (food production, availability of exotic food from faraway lands) in the local area have changed


how we grow, move and keep our bodies healthy through exercise







Catholic schools week - the children’s illustrations are of ways we share Gods love. We also each wrote a little prayer of our own and made them into a paper chain of things we are thankful for.

Using ICT in the classroom

