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P2 Little Hedgehogs

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P2 Little Hedgehogs class page

2019 and 2020 

In March we are learning to:

In Literacy

We are learning to…

  • listen to and follow instructions accurately
  • listen with sustained concentration to other children and adults
  • understand how to assemble organise information, e.g. lists, charts, diagrams
  • know that factual information may be written in simple sentences
  • know how to build simple profiles of characters from stories read, describing characteristics, appearances, behaviour with pictures, single words, captions, words and sentences from text.
  • expect reading to make sense and check for sense if it does not
  • predict words from preceding words in sentences and investigate the sorts of words that ‘fit’, suggesting appropriate alternatives, i.e. that make sense
  • recognise full stops and capital letters when reading and understand how they affect the way a text is read
  • use capital letters for the personal pronoun ‘l’, for names and for the start of a sentence
  • use features of punctuation in order to read in a phrased and fluent manner
  • investigate, read and spell words containing digraphs such as ff, ll, ss, ck, ch, sh, th, wh, ng
  • know and understand that a sound can be represented by more than one letter (the number of sounds and letters in a word may not always correspond)
  • identify, segment and blend syllables in words orally, in reading and in writing
  • spell new words using phonics and a range of self-checking strategies
  • investigate and understand the concept of a plural noun – adding ‘s’ for plurals
  • investigate and use words linked to cross-curricular topics

Linguistic Phonics

oo, aw, or, oy


In Numeracy

We are learning to

  • Add more than two numbers practically, answers within 20
  • Exchange higher value coins (up to 10p) for 1p’s through
  • Solve addition and subtraction problems
  • Calculate change required when buying items at the class shop, from 5p, from 10p
  • Compare the size of two sets by counting and matching, within 20, saying which has more / less; how many more/less.
  • Know the terms ‘less than’ ‘more than’ in relation to addition and subtraction within 20.
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Mentally add/take away 0/1/2 to/from any number within 20
  • Count forwards/backwards in 2’s within 20
  • Become familiar with 3D shapes and understand some of their properties
  • Talk about possible areas for data collection, and represent this data using pictographs or block graphs (including ICT generated).
  • Given one surface, find a second surface which has a greater area and a third container which has a smaller area



  • In World Around Us
  • Pupils should know about other localities which are different from theirs
  • Pupils should understand how weather is different in different places and ways in which it can have an impact on living things
  • Pupils should know that we can travel to other places and the means of travel
  • Pupils should know about significant people in their past
  • Pupils should know about other localities which are different from theirs
  • Pupils should be enabled to recognise things around us that move
  • Pupils should know some of the ways in which things are made to move
  • Pupils should know that they move things by pushing or pulling them

In November we are learning all about Chocolate
